
How to cool a car with no A/C?

by Guest64718  |  earlier

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Does anyone know the best way to cool a car without A/C? Now, I live in the deep south, and a car with no A/C is blasphemy, but it's cheap, and I need some wheels. So. That considered, are there any other ways to cool me down in the hot summer heat? I have considered in car fans and the oh-so-obvious windows down, but anything else that can keep me cool, without the hot summer breeze blowing in my face?




  1. Drive after the sun goes down, load up on ice or ice packs, freeze your own in gallon jugs or whatever and put them at your feet, all around you.  The fans would give some relief and some stick up window tint should lower the temp.

  2. get a mini fan or open the windows ;)

  3. i have been to the deep south and i never had air conditioning. you must be a transplanted yankee.

    Anyway . You can put a large block of ice in the back seat.

    Now report me to yahoo--

  4. Always take a bottle of ice water to drink or hold against your face.

  5. There were some neck coolers made by a lady in California to keep the military cool in Iraq during their summer. It wasn't patented but they're made of cotton and filled with polyacrylate crystals. You just drape them around your neck.

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