
How to cool snakes tank down?

by  |  earlier

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It's very hot and humid where i am. It's 30 degrees in my bedroom. I have had to move the rat out of my room because its layd on it's side panting.

I turned my snakes heat mats off because it was so hot and about an hour later i took the temperature of the snakes tanks and they were both around 36 degrees.

I have no idea how to cool the tanks down, it is just so hot in my bedroom. I put them in my sisters room and the temperature dropped down to 30. But im not allowed to keep them in her room, so they are back in mine and i dare not leave the heat mats off incase it gets too cold.

I need advise -_- lol i don't know how to word it and i am SO hot, so my post probably didn't make sense >.>




  1. Well sweetie, I hate to show my ignorance here and state I'm not familiar with dealing in celsius, but it was obvious to me from your post that you are.  lol  I'm not sure how much 30 C is in F.  I'm guessing 30 C is around 100 F?

    What country do you live in?

    Have you googled your snake, to be sure of the temperature ranges which are comfortable for it?

    I also don't what kind of snake you have, so I have no clue what its temperature and humidity requirements are.

    The snake won't be generating heat (he's not warm blooded) so he's not as likely to get as stressed as the rat, but you will need to cool things down for him.

    The floor of your room, the furthest from windows, is going to be the coolest place in it.  Hot air rises.  Temperatures will have to be monitored and set with a good digital probe thermometer, or a therm. gun.  Strip thermometers are just not accurate and can be off by 20 degrees.  A reliable thermometer is a good investment, since you'll be using it for all of the snake's life, or until it wears out, and you have to replace it.

    Another option for lowering the temp. in the tank (if it's not too big to move around easily), is to sit in the bathtub when not in use during the day, if the tub isn't a formed plastic.

    If necessary, you can place ice cubes in a freezer type ziplock baggie (be sure it's not dripping as the ice melts and the bag sweats) on a thin towel, and place that on top of the snake's tank/cage screen.  Cool air flows down, and it will provide a cool end.  The snake will move around, to regulate his temperature, providing the tank is large enough.  You don't want him to get too cool, so check the area often.

    Also, tank size is a factor for cooling, when using heat.

    I just don't have enough information to give you a best "guess-ti-mation" on how to resolve your problem.

    Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

  2. ok ok ok first of all 30or 36 degrees isnt hot at all so i think ur a little crazy..and im sure tht if it is hot buying a "AIR CONDITIONER" and leave his matts on and turn the air conditioner off like every 3 hours and they should b fine.

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