
How to cope up with an irritated pregnant wife who never allows you next to her?

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Just wondering how to be intimate and show luv to your wife when she never allows you to near her...




  1. Just give her the space she needs.  She'll be back to her normal self soon.

  2. im pregnant now and im at the time( 16 weeks) that i have absolutely no desire for s*x at all. i do remember that later in the pregnancy (im preg. with my third) i wanted s*x all the time, major. the hormones change alot during pregnancy. my husband is pretty slick. i dont initiate it anymore, however, he asks me if i want a back rub or foot rub and i accept. 9 times out of 10 we end up in a hoopla! i know he's told me that it bothers him that i don't initiate anymore, but he understands. i will advise you that you shouldnt get impatient with her, otherwise she will resent you later on and feel real unnattractive, when she is ready again. if she is a little over the top, grouchy and extremely moody when you try to luv on her, im thinking she is still pretty early? 1st trimester, she is hormonal, nauseated, she probably can't p**p, and more than likely feels like a frumpy-dump. the 2nd trimester it will get better. most of this will be gone, then in the third it is a comfort thing. but every woman is deifferent. if it bothering you strongly, you need to let her know. i know i was worried my hubby wasn't even attracted to me anymore, we talked and started the "massages" and its been great every since.  good luck!!

  3. Being pregnant is tough!  Give her some space and ask her if there is anything you can do to help.  Stop trying to initiate s*x if you are trying that now it will just tick her off more.  Depending on how far along she is there could be many reasons for her lack of interest.  Try talking it out with her in a non-confrontational manner.  Pregnancy is different for everyone.  My mother and sisters all LOVED being pregnant.  I felt awful most of the time.  

    Be sweet and don't pressure her.

  4. easy just stay away for own safety :D

  5. Offer selfless contact - like massages :)

    we love that.

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