
How to cope when shopping with my kids?

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I have 2 kids, boys aged 4 and 8.

i love them to bits, but find it REALLY hard to go either clothes/food shopping with them.

i know they get bored, and i try to involve them as much as possible. (when food shopping for example, i let my 8 year old read the shopping list, and the 4 year old has to go and get what the 8 year old says etc), but it just ends up in chaos!

Has anyone got any tips!?




  1. tell them before you go, if your not going to be good i will take you to (x) house while i go shopping. x could be your moms babysitters, or whomever you trust watching your children.

    Also tell them what will happen if they are not good ( time out, taken home immediately etc.)

  2. ok, well make it fun 4 them.  no offense ma'am, but reading the list and getting it isn't too exciting unless ur and adult. im 15, and sometimes i get bored unless i go shopping 4 my clothes.

    anyways, ok well what i used 2 do is ride on the front or back of the cart while my mom or dad pushed it.  drive them around like a race car or something make it fun. or put them inside the cart and ride them around the store.

    or uh... when u go shopping 4 clothes, put the 4 year old on ur back if u can and run them around, just 2 have a little fun. i mean, i dont care what people think, have fun while u can. it'll make them smile 4 sure.

    good luck.

  3. If you are in a supermarket, let one of them read the list down one isle, then the other down the other isle.

    Let them take it in turns.

    All the best


  4. I have the same problem, mine are 12 and 10 and it gets no better as they want everything they see.

  5. Plan your shopping trips like a military operation. No browsing or indecision. Go, pick, buy, leave. This may mean your shopping is a bit boring but at least your sanity will be intact and your kids will be happier.

    Any chance of shopping on line? They even carry your shopping to your door for you - no stress at all!  

  6. Some parents find it hard to be hard on their kids but I suggest a way that will make it easier. When your 4 yr old misbehaves say to him,  "This is your warning, if you do not behave nicely then you will be put on the naughty step." if he continues to misbehave when you get home pick him up and put him on a carpet or stair step and say "I am putting you here because when we were out you misbehaved aftr Mummy told you to behave. You will have to sit here four 4 mins" and 8 for the 8 yr old xx  

  7. I shop on line it's easier even the food gets delivered this site is the best  

  8. I have 6 year old and a four year old and it tough because they don't listen and run around the store screaming. If I just have my four year old he a good boy but with his brother he does want his brothers did. During the summer I had my 6 year old in park program. That when I went shopping. Now he in school and my four year old be in preschool. That when I get my shopping done and more easy on me. I am also expecting a baby.  

  9. When you're clothes shopping, tell the kids that they can both pick out whatever they'd like - no matter how big or expensive it is.  Once they've chosen their prizes, tell them they can keep them as long as you don't have to count to 3 the entire time you go shopping.  Then stay at the store long enough for both boys to lose their beloved prize.  They'll be so sad, that they'll never misbehave in a clothing store again.

    While grocery shopping, point out a family with naughty children out to your boys.  Show them how everyone is looking at those kids and are thinking about how bad they are.  Your boys won't want strangers looking at THEM that way, so they'll do their best to behave.

  10. yes, leave them with someone else!  

  11. My husband does most of the shopping after he gets done with work.  We take our daughter shopping with us only if we are going to go in for a couple of items, but if shopping is going to take over 20 min we find that it is better if she doesn't go shopping with.  

  12. calculators......give them a calculator each to go shopping with - get them to total the prices as you put things in the trolley. the one who gets it right at the till gets a treat. it works!

  13. Cant u go shopping while their at school?

    Give them little quizzes like choose the cereal that has the letter 'd' in its name or has 7 letters etc

  14. when i was a kid i was bored in shops but my mu used to play sort of a hide and seek it really works you go around the aisles looking for them and at the same time getting food shopping done. but you could also loose your children at the same time because you dont know were they are

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