
How to cope with hyperactive kids?

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I have twin boys 7yrs old . they are hyperactive boys and like to fight each other.My elder daughter 12 yrs old also giving me problem she is quite stuborn and likes to distrurb her twins brother that make me angry they are so noisy all the time inside the house.Any advice?




  1. i say turn those boys loose outside they are growing boys and have pent up energy they need to burn off, then when it is supper time you can feed them then bathe them and they will be already for bed, and you will finally have some down time for yourself.

    bless your heart.

  2. get hyper with them.  seriously! i nanny an 8 and an 11 year old, and they love to run, scream, and yell.  if i run scream and yell with them, as long as it is not angry yelling, etc. it makes them happy.

    take them to a park every day for half an hour and tell them to be really loud and obnoxious - as much as they can be - but then leave it at the park. if they need to fight something out, give them a special "fight area" where it won't disturb everyone else. the rules are: no dirty words, name calling or touching each other, unless it is to shake hands.  when they step out of the fight area, they must leave their problems in there.

    good luck!

  3. Cut back on sugar...and wheat products.  :-)

    Also, get them a big trampoline to jump around in (with safety net around it) so they can expend their energy.

    You can also get them enrolled in sports!

  4. I agree with the person who said let them outside to run off that energy, keep them enterested in something, do you play with them, sometimes its just a cry for attention. I have the same problem with 2 boys, 7 yrs, apart, 13 and 6 its a challenge, but youll be fine, medication as only a last resort!! try everything else first, there are websites on line to help and great books in the library. or at bookstores, good luck to you , I know you are a great mom for trying to get help with this. God will be there for you, prayer, prayer, prayer, love to you,

  5. tell the boys to go outside and fight eachother all they want but not in the house and I don't know what tell you about your stobborn daughter but I'm pretty stubborn myself

  6. Well for need to be calm.  Otherwise..the kids will be wild!!  I know when Im high kids are at their finest behaviors!!!!!

    I would have the boys take it outside.  If that's not an option then get them some things to do indoors that will help keep them mellow.  Put a rule in the home...NO WRESTLING, RUNNING OR PHYSICAL HORSEPLAY INSIDE PERIOD!!  

    I have 4 kids.  They try to do their very best to drive me wacky and sometimes they do.  If they start getting rilled up and get up my butt as I like to call it...I send them each off to bed.  I don't care what time it is.  6:30 dandy.  7 pm...alrighty then!!  They figure out quickly what to do and what not to do.

  7. As much as I am against medicating children you may want to see if the suffer from hyperactivity disorder. If they do they really can not control themselves and if it is causing some problems with behavior you may want to consider putting them on medication.

    I am not one to take the "drug them out" to make it easier on me theory, but I do have a 8 yr old son who does need medicaton for adhd and add and I have seen a difference.

    I think he feels better now as well since he has more concentration and control. It is not a silver bullet but it did help us and I hope this helps you.

  8. -Therapist


    -Lots of sports/other means of keeping them very busy

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