
How to cope with that "I WANT TO DIE" feeling?

by  |  earlier

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I have everything and even more

but sometimes I just have this feeling

and I want to leave everything just like that.

( I have this disease that can't be yea)




  1. See a doctor or a counselor.

  2. just keep on living and the feeling goes away

  3. Go seek some help, you really need to speak with someone...maybe you have  depression, that's normal if you have a sickness that can't be cured...Good luck

  4. everyone feels that way atleast once in their life. I'm a teen and have felt it b4 i just make some hot chocolate and think about how the next day will be better.  

  5. There's a saying, "Dying is easy, it's living that's hard".  I think we all want to take the easy way out sometimes but the fact you are questioning the feeling means you don't really want to die. We may not always know what the point of living is but there is one, even if it's not always clear. I think the important thing is to focus more on what we can do instead of what we can't, at least that's what works for me when I get down.

  6. I think its normal to some degree.  I actually checked myself in to a hospital after a break up because I had those same feelings.  The big thing they try and I say try to teach you is to love your self.  The other thing was to think of the person you love the most or admire like your for me it was my children and a grandma who had passed.  They told us to think of what we would say to them if they were  thinking that way and wanted to end there life.  I still have those feelings and feel so selfish.  I keep thinking I will meet someone again and never have that sick feeling of wanting to just end things.

    Maybe I have the same disease you do.  I JUST THOUGHT IT WAS A BROKEN HEART from a memory that will never die.

  7. just look on the bright side of life and think about ur family and how they would feel without u...

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