
How to copy data from an old (1996) computer to a new computer, please?

by Guest56342  |  earlier

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My Dad-in-law's computer has lots of word documents on it - and I want to transfer them to a new computer.

The problem is that the old computer has no: usb port; ethernet socket or CD-writer (fuller specs below). It does have a floppy disc drive - but the new computer doesn't. Any suggestions?

The old computer's specs:

OS - Windows 95



Only ports are parallel printer port and monitor

Room to install an ISA card




  1. I would make compressed (Winzip) folders for the documents and email them.

  2. The way I would do it is to put the old drive in the new computer as drive e: (or whatever). You'd need to know something about BIOS settings and booting from the correct drive though...

    There are lots of ways, but most all of them require some above-average knowledge of computer hardware/software.

  3. get all the stuff you want onto floppy disks then go out and buy a USB floppy drive ( about £10 or $20) plug that into your new computer and hey presto!

  4. Assuming that the new computer is also a PC, you could take the hard drive from the old computer and connect it as a second drive for the new computer, then copy the data over to the new hard drive. Hard drive technology hasn't changed that dramatically; an old IDE hard drive should still work in a newer system, and a current copy of Windows should be able to read the older Windows file formats.

  5. take the hard drive out and "piggy back" it into another computer or install it in an external hard drive caddy

  6. if the new pc has a cd writer: save the files to a floppy. on another computer that can write to cd, copy the floppy files to the cd. then, take the cd and copy the files to your new pc

    free options:

    1-save your files, then go to a site like and upload your files. then download the files on your new computer

    2-save your files and upload them to your mail account and then download the files on your new computer

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