
How to correct a 8 month old?

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My 8 month old has a hude temper.If he doesnt get what he wants he screams this mean scream and its very high pitch and he scrathes and bites.It happen most with food if im eating and he doesnt get any he throws a fit.Today he got ahold of newspaper and i said No and took it away and he started screaming like h**l was frezzing over.I dont know what to do




  1. I would say that you need to give him NO attention while he is screaming. He is trying to get your attention no matter what it takes. So, when he is screaming, ignore him completely (obviously make sure he isn't going to hurt himself or get into anything he shouldn't). I would also recommend watching Super Nanny. Look it up on TV Guide online, it's on at least once a week.

  2. Does he ultimately get what he wants when he acts like this?

    8 months is pretty young to say he has a temper.  It probably has more to do with the response he gets when he acts that way.

    Have you talked to the doc? Was there any substance use when you were pregnant?

    If it is too much, adoption is always an option. (Sorry, that sounds extreme, but I've been watching the news about that little girl in Florida who is missing or dead and can't help but think that IF her mom killed her, there were SO many other options.)

  3. Never offer your baby what you are eating. They get accustomed to wanting whatever you have. Always make them their own plate.

    As for the temper tantrum...Just keep doing what you are doing, say no, take it away, and when he reacts do NOT make eye contact. Ignore and move on. Eventually it will stop. Don't touch him, say anything else, just ignore. It will work , and save you alot of hastle in the future.


    Lol..people crack me up!  Time-outs for 8 months old???? ummmm good luck with that, and spanking an 8 month old??

    what the????  seriously people, do you even have kids?

  4. 8 months!!!  That kid is not thinking about what he's doing!  The only reason he's crying is because he's hungry or wet.

    Don't read too much into it.  That will come when he turns 2!!

  5. I've seen this on tv all the time. Crazy disruptive kids always have tan trumps. Basically, lower yourself down to his level, look him directly in the eyes and tell him what he is doing is wrong and then put him in time-out.

    Now what happens is you bring the kid to a time out place. One that he/she will identify in the future as an unwanted place to go therefore you can use it as a deterant for the future. Warn them once before putting them in the spot. After you've put them in the spot tell them what they did and why it was bad. At first the child will constantly try and keep moving away, but be relentless and keep bringing them back to the spot. Eventually, after a long time they will get the picture that no matter how hard they try you will just move them back.

  6. Keep a firm tone and say NO. Not yelling but firm, as you dont want him to fear you, just listen. Repeat the word NO and try to use it mostly when he has a tantrum so he catches on to what it means. If he scratches and bites, take his hands and move his mouth away. Say NO THAT HURTS MOMMY, OUCH!  then show him where he bit or scratched and say OUCH. If he continues, dont respond to him, of coarse keep him supervised, but dont pick him up or give in. Once he begins Calming down, praise him and give him affection, say Thank You and Good Boy! Then Play with him. If he flings himself back, Tell him no, but dont sit him up. Move whatever he is kicking and hitting away. He isnt too young to have tantrums...He is simply learning how to communicate to you what he wants and how to get it. My studies in the classes i have taken say that Babies are egocentric, meaning they arent yet aware of other needs, while they are aware of feelings...(Jean Piaget). Show him that this behavior makes you Sad. I hope i have helped, and dont worry, this is not uncommon though i see people seem to think so. Just remember he is just trying to communicate with you since he cant use words he uses noises, crying, and movement.

  7. give him more to do, he probably feels unstimulated and is acting out.  maybe talk to him and lead him away from the 'fit', cause i bet u can see one coming before he does.

  8. Say no and then put him in the crib, and dont let him out until he calms down!  Or if you could want to go oldschool you could spank him.  I know it is not the nicest option but it really works.  My mom used to wrap her arms around us so that we couldnt move until  we calmed down...

  9. Hey my 8 month old daughter does the same thing as soon as you tell her No (minus the scratching cause she's normally in the middle of doing something wrong while she's crawling).  My gma yells at me all the time because im being mean for telling her no.  You just got to stand your ground.  When my daughter throws a temper tantrume I ignore it, normally it lasts no more then 45 sec.  When she's done thats when I'll pick her up and pretend like nothing happend and give her, her own toys.  If you give in, its going to become even worse with age.  Just ignore him until he is done.  Then go on your marry little way.

    *A D (the lady who posted under me) said it better then I did.  She is dead on.*

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