
How to correctly use neo spacian grand mole?

by  |  earlier

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say i had summoned skull on the field..and the opponent summoned grand mole..can he attack my summoned skull and return both cards and not take any damage? can some one explain the grand mole's effect?




  1. When grand mole attacks the controller can activate its effect by returning grand mole to their and hand and the opponents monster to theirs. The attacker (and defender) do not take any damage.

    In this case the opponent returns both summoned skull and grand mole to their owners hand and the oppenent takes no damage

  2. -ok 1st off you NEVER put grand mole in def face up or down it"s effect will not work if you do

    -if the card is attacked or attacks the monster used in the battle and the grand mole are both sent back to their owners hands no damage calculations are done to either player

    -the only way a grand mole is put into the graveyard is if trubuted, destroyed by magic, trap, or effect  or if played wrong the grandmole is an excellent card and if used right is extremely powerful


  3. if  this mole attack 1 card or it is attacked, it can return itself and the other monster to their owners 'hand

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