
How to counter when someone belittle us?

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the example of they belittle us is like talk about u infront a group of people while u are there? talk bad infront of u and belittle not judge my english tq




  1. this has happened to me at work quite a bit....i work with "angry/miserable" guys.

    i usually just say....i love you too!  and walk away....but anymore i just ignore it and try not to hang out where they are. i just pray to God and ask him for strength.

    if this is happening to you by people you hang out with...maybe its time to look for new friends!

    May God help you with your problem

    with love...."D"

  2. stick up for yourself, life is a contact sport

  3. Let your actions speak louder than words.  Always.

    That does not happen to me though.  Most of the time i can be in a small group of people and most speakers do not look at me at all.  It's as if I am an invisible man.

    Any way.  When I was in your situation I thought like this. I can be a rock that they trip over.  Or I can be a grape that they can squish with their foot.  I chose to be a rock in their hard place.

    Just be true to yourself.  And good luck.  Thanks for sharing.

  4. Who is "us"?

  5. No one can make you feel inferior, unless you allow them to.  

  6. May I ask, who is being belittled in this situation?

    But the best thing is to defend yourself without belittling them. I find it works quite well and the other person will back off out of respect to your respectfulness. If that makes sense.

  7. If you do NOT want to belittled either you must learn how NOT to make a fool of yourself.


  8. I mean if its at work, then you may want to talk to them and let them know bc thats just rude n unproffecional, if that doesnt work you might need to talk to your boss.

    But if this is happening outside of work like in your personal life, you might have to just find new friends or just walk away if their not important people in your life. Obviously if their not that important, then you dont need to be there. I wouldnt pay much attention unless it goes to extremes, I just smile at them with the most sencere smile i have and walk away happy bc it dont hurt me, I mean who cares, bc at the end of the day its just you and your skin.  So just pay no mind and hopefuly you wont even notice it in the future.

  9. Walk away.  Ask them why they are talking about you like that.  Tell them they are an a$$h*le.

    Why hang with people like that?  Find new friends.

  10. why do you gotta act like a child?

    walk away or something dude if your not liking what your hearing

  11. Why to counter. Behave yourself. In due course of time things get settle towards truth.

  12. No matter who is belittling you or "us", always remember that they are either jealous of you or have nothing better in their life to do than mock and belittle an individual.

    I suggest that when someone does that to you in front of a group of people, just stick your head up high and ignore them. This will irritate the other person, knowing that they cannot bug or hurt you. Therefore you get the satisfaction of not only shrugging off the belittlement, but also letting the other person know that you are the better man.

    It takes discipline not to respond back to them. But then again, will you stoop down to their level and be just as crude as they are? Heck no!!! Show that you are better than them and that no matter what they say will not bother you.

    Good luck!

  13. Use logical, well-reasoned arguments that are based upon proven and verified facts that are tested and reproducible.



    Um... Sorry.

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