
How to cover up acne marks/blemishes efficiently?

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I have dark acne marks/blemishes on my forehead from my last breakout which was really bad. I usually hide it with my side bangs. I'm starting aerobics tomorrow for school and my teacher said that I need to get my hair out of my face. I'm really self conscious when it comes to the acne marks on my forehead. I've tried covering it up with my moms make up but it only makes my skin look lighter, not that actual marks. Is there a way I can cover them up so it looks like they're not even there?




  1. a peach colored concealer with cover up dark circles(if you look at a color wheel the peachy color is across from the purple-ish blue, therfore peach will cover up dark circles. a green(yes, green) concealer will cover up red acne/ spots(same reason as the peach works). watch this video, she explains it(i think she explains it towards the beginning):


    ^^I separated it(i can never remember if links are allowed or not) just paste the first half, then the second and take away the space.

    Hope this helps! I promise it works!

    ETA: Also..having hair lay on your face constantly will cause acne(especially if you sweat alot)

  2. Ok. u should go down 2 somewhere that sells cover girl mineral make up. i sware that stuff works wonders!

    i hope that helped!

    good luck hon.


  3. its gonna take sometime.

    for now, I suggest you use a concealer, or if you have alot of it on your skin - try foundation.

    buut, keep washing your face daily so no pimples come bk, cleanse, and mosturize. and use anything with vitamin e in it, it helps get rid of acne scars.  

  4. OMG CALL 911


    use lots of make up & some clean and clear.

    btw if i saw u i would make fun of you


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