
How to create a junk art?

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does anyone have any ideas to create a vehicle (cars, trucks, bike etc.) using junk.i want it for my talents day in needn't be too big.please help.




  1. Any suggestions we throw out may be meaningless, unless we have some idea of what kind of "junk" is available to you.

    Won't do you any good if we say, "take two fifty gallon drums and then ..." if you don't have access to fifty gallon drums.

    It will be up to you, and your imagination to "see" what can be done with the materials at hand.  To give you an example:  Pablo Picasso was a sculptor, as well as a painter.  One of his more famous sculptures was of a bull's head, made from a bicycle seat and the handlebars of the same bike.  Nothing more.  There was not a lot of skill involved in assembling the piece.  The genius of Picasso was in his being able to "see" the potential of the two pieces of "junk," and to visualize the shapes into the final result.

    Look around at what you have available and then try to "see" the potential.  Do you have scrap cans, bottles, wood around"  What about old newspapers, tissue and paper towel rolls?  Scraps of cloth?

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