
How to create and harness positive energy?

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How to create and harness positive energy?




  1. Everything in the Universe is energy and vibration.  Elements differ in vibrational through the mere change in components such as protons and electrons.

    You could also study Feng Shui.

  2. First of all, Jack provided some good books to look into, although I don't think ACIM has anything at all to do with positive energy.

    I'd replace that recommendation with The Quickening by Stuart Wilde.

  3. I guess I should some say.."Put on a "smiley" face!" lol..AAGGGHHH! I CAN'T STAND when somebody says that to me!! lol I don't trust anybody who goes around with a smiley face on all the time! You're face should reflect your mood. That way people don't have to try to read your mind!

      I guess what you need to do is stay away from negative forces...people included. That doesn't mean sick people or people with means people who put out negative vibes. ...and sometimes on purpose. You can just tell when you get around them least I can. I know that this is unavoidable when it's in your family. ..or even in yourself.  They seem to have a "power" over me. I can be feeling fine..and they "strike" and I begin to start bending over...and almost want to get on the floor and crawl. Maybe I'm an empath and pick up on this too much.

      There really are places you can go to and walk in the front door and "feel" good!!  This happened one time to me at a psychic fair >(not that I'm recommending psychic fairs) . But I do remember being in one of the buildings/rooms and all of a sudden I wanted to dance! I remember commenting on it to them. They said it happened to others too.  But I couldn't "harness" it! Sometimes it's just good to go to these places to get "re-energized". I call it getting my battery charged!  I also noticed in churches that allow you to sing praise hymns that it would happen. Think I looked crazy there(when I did it in churches that weren't into praise). Sometimes I thought I would float to the top of the building. (someone told me later it has to do with "hormones" or "adrenal glands"...but how come it doesn't happen when I sing other songs..although that can work somewhat..depending on the song.) Try even listening to sad songs...and then happy songs..and see if this doesn't happen to you. (P.S. Rap usually doesn't do it for me! lol)

      Find an old "Uncle Remus" movie. He used to have a song.."Everybody Needs a Laughing Place". Have FUN!!

    edit. The song is much funner than the lyrics!

  4. with a meditacion and positive meening no harm to anybody not even your enemy....just wish luck to all...

  5. 'Positive energy' is not a scientific term for a type of energy, but more of a way of describing your behavior and interactions with others.  It's not actually something you can measure and dish out, much like luck.  And as a leprechaun, you should have known that already, right?  :)

  6. yes.

  7.'s not tangible-you can only force one burst of it thru another to find a good balance-it is ever evolving as the world prepares for another big bang...and then it will start all over again.

  8. The ways of doing it are so diverse as to render them out of reach in this sort of QA setting.  

    You might begin by doing some web searching on Jose Silva [Silva Mind Control], or Subtle Energy Research Institute.  A Course in Miracles might also be something you'd wish to examine.  All easily found through websearches.

  9. You can make positive energy by meditating on things that really make you happy, and if you can-physically keep those things around you.

    It takes a lot of practice to focus on something like a beach setting, a field of grass, the tranquility of outer space (relaxed me when I was in surgery), keeping out annoying thoughts and problems is hard and breaks your meditation.

    It might sound new-age but just think of positive people you know - my mother was happy around plants and she would sing while she cooked - positive energy if you ask me. If you can link your newfound positive energy to confidence they you will exhude that energy - attracting whatever it is you need.

  10. The only way to create positive energy that I can recommend is through daily affirmations with Stuart Smalley  :)  Stuart Smalley is a caring nurturer, a member of several twelve-step programs, but not a licensed therapist.

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