
How to cure dentist phobia?

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I'm 19 years old and have a HUGE dentist phobia. I have been afraid of dentists for as long as I can remember. Every time I go into my dentist office I get freaked out. My heart beats uncontrollably and I about run out the door. The only way to get me into the dentist office itself is if my parents make the appointment for me and force me in.

I have talked to my dentist before even considering going to him. I like him, but still get really freaked out. His nurse doesn't really help me much. Because she says, "You need to calm down. We have a younger one in here who could possibly here you and get scared." I know it was a warning but I wasn't calming down.

About 1-2 years ago I had to go in and get a small cavity filled in (not my first one). But I was so nervous I just cried so bad and had to leave. Now about maybe 2 years later. I still haven't gotten filled and I want to before it gets bigger and I have to have it pulled.

My Dad talked to my family doctor and he prescribed some medicine to have me take which is a relaxation pill before I go to the dentist. But I still can't get the courage to go in.

About 5 years earlier. I had 5 cavities filled and it was okay (but with a children dentist) I was still freaking out. But I had my mp3 player with me and listened to that. But it didn't really calm me down.

What should I do? I'm currently living Iowa. My dentist does know of my fear of him. I warned him about the first couple of times I saw him.

I'm also scared of my doctor. But not so much. Because he's been a friend of the family and my doctor for many years.




  1. You need to mature and realize these dental problems are not going away....if you want to doom your teeth and your health by letting all the infection stay in your body, fine...don't go to the dentist and give in to the fear.

    If you want to have sedation, it is a process, that you can pay ALOT EXTRA for, and make someone else interrupt their day to take and bring you to the dentist, fine....but you just need to get get over it.  Your'e not a baby anymore.

  2. ok.

    i dont know what to tell you.

    but find a dentist who had a fear of the dentist when he or she was younger. i have found out that actually works and if the dentist was one of those patients when he or she was younger.

    i was one of the patients who got banned from the dentist offices. i found a great dentist about 3 years ago and i will not see another dentist other then him.

    before he actually starting looking at my mouth we need a lot of talking and we made compromises for each other. and then since after meeting him i have had fillings done with no novacaine and have had wisdom teeth removed completely awake and enjoyed the experience bc the dentist made it fun.

  3. Sounds like a legit phobia to me...kinda like what I used to be like about getting shots. For as long as I can remember, the nurses would have to manhandle me until I got big enough that they couldn't do that anymore. Now, even though I still HATE shots, I know they're necessary. Just think about what will happen if you don't go to the dentist; it'll only be worse later. You could have more cavities to be filled, and your teeth will only be in poorer condition. But, it sounds like you want to overcome your fear, and you know you need, I guess the best thing you can do is to just do it, quit thinking about it. Anticipation is faaaaaar worse than the actual procedure. Good luck!


  5. maybe you should meet with your dentist privately and talk as an everyday person about you life and maybe you would feel more calm

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