
How to cure jet lag more than 2 weeks after flight?

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When I flew westward to Japan I had no problem adjusting to the Jet Lag, from JFK Airport. But when I came back 2 weeks later, I've been having horrible jet lag. I came back on July 20th, and today is August 5th and I still have jet lag! I sleep anywhere between 4-9am, and wake up anywhere between 2-7pm. Then I'm awake mostly at night. And during the night I feel tired, but not the sleepy kind of tired. And I get hungry at all the wrong times. Like I have to eat something at around 3-6am and when I wake up at the afternoon/evening. I don't even eat 3 full meals a day, I just feel so whacked up. How do I fix this, when its been happening for the past 16 days? and I'm 14, so I can't take stuff like melatonin. And while I was in Japan, we woke up at around 6am, so my body is still used to that, but the time I go to sleep is different, because while I was there I slept at around 10-11pm, but converting what time I sleep here to the time it would be in Japan, that would only be a few hours earlier than 10-11pm. Ugh, please help! School starts only a month away!




  1. Melatonin is the body's way to regulate sleep.  You skin produces melatonim when exposed to sun light.  Get outdoors as much as possible during the day.

    Also, milk and turkey contain high levels of tryptophan which will make you sleepy.  Avoid these during the day.  Have a turkey sandwich and milk an hour before bed time.

  2. Wow!

    Okay, here's what I do when I get jetlag. It may sound impossible or hard, but it totally works for me.

    I wouldn't sleep for a night, I would be reallllly tired for the day. Do not take naps, around 9 or 10 that night, I'd go to sleep. I tend to wake up around 9 or 10 the next morning. That's how I adjust to the local time

    good luck!


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