
How to cure mosquito bite?

by  |  earlier

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whats the best way?

ive heard of calamine lotion and white toothpaste.

anything else??




  1. I tried applying echinacea/goldenseal herbal extract that I got from a vitamins store and it works every time!  As soon as I get bitten by a mosquito or whatever, I apply a drop of the extract and within a few minutes, the bite's gone.  no swelling, no itching!!  Normally, I'd add the herbal extract to small amt of water and drink it as soon as I feel a sore throat and voila! it gets rid of my cold!  You shouldn't take for prolong period of time and no more than about 2weeks at a time...just as preventive...I've used the echinacea/goldenseal extract for years now and where ever I go, I take it with me in case of an emergency.   Hope this information helps....

  2. benedryl cream

  3. prevention is better then cure, especially if you go to the likes of india, were maleria is rife. the best mosquito repellents are useually the worst smelling ones, but ones containing citronella work for me


    aloe vera gelll <

  5. yeah...toothpaste is good...put some itch ointment on it even if it dosn't itch ( it works for me)

  6. hydrocortizone, ice, and toothpaste

    don't scratch it though! it will make it worst!

  7. you can put deodorant on it to stop itchying.  i also like to scratch some of the skin off.  dont scratch to much...just to get the misquitos bite opening reopened. then you squeeze it and this watery stuff comes out...its the bugs saliva.

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