
How to deal wit depression??

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what is the best way to deal with depression?

because im 14 and i have lost both my parents and one of my brothers and i now live my grand parents and i m depressed and i dont wont to tell anybody plz help




  1. I think that you will need to let your grandparents know that you dont feel happy at the moment and the reasons why you dont feel happy.  They have probably noticed, but if you get it out into the open then you can all work together to cure it.

    (Omega 3 can also be found in walnuts, flax seed oil, salmon and cod)

  2. I'll tell you what I told another person in the same question.

    1. Yourself - Only you can fix your own depression, your commitment, your fortitude, your will to live and love life for what it is.

    2. Secondary help - Omega - 3 acids are said to help act as an anti-depressant, you can get it straight up or you can get it through Fish (Anywhere, at home or at jack in the box :P)

    3. Psychologists - They can listen to you and hear what you have to say and contrary to popular belief, they do understand what you're going through and want to help you and also have great exercise tips to help you re-affirm the fact that you want to feel better.

    4. Exercise / Chores - Endorphins are a great kick in the rear for depression. Anything from jogging to simple push-ups. h**l, if you can't get out, do the dishes or take out the trash, clean your room. Do something!!! Don't wallow in your own sorrow. Kick it in the butt!

    5. Friends - Friends can make you feel like you belong and help you through your tough times, but you have to trust them and be there for them as much as they are for you.

    6. Family - Sometimes people are less fortunate in this area but for the ones who have truly loving family whether it be brothers / parents / grandparents, they will be your guiding light through all of this (Unless this is the cause of the depression)

    7. Sleep - Sometimes sleep is just a good 8 hour "Get away from it all" scenario where you don't have to think about anything. Sometimes it has a nasty side-effect of making your more depressed when you wake up though, so warning about that.

    8. Tranquility - Try to find peace during your busy day, this way you can see that life is more calm than it feels, take a quiet dip in the pool late at night, or sit on the patio in the middle of the day and look at the trees and clouds. Or h**l, stare at a wall! :D

    9. Yourself - Again, none of the above stated tactics will work unless you yourself actually want to feel better and don't want to feel the way you do anymore.

    10. Unless a Psychiatrist really suggests it, don't take medications like zoloft or whatever the top dollar ones are these days. They are more like placebo drugs to trick your mind into thinking your okay because if you think the pill will actually do something, they will, why? Because again "Your life is what your thoughts make it" I fought my depression without a single pill, because I wanted to be better, I didn't look for sympathy or an easy way out. It has to be done not only naturally but from the soul, not the pill.

    11. Music - Music is a huge healer, find anything that suits you

    12. TV - Sometimes tv can help, I used to watch the show scrubs because they seemed to hit on every point I was dealing with.


    By the way, It's ok to feel sad about the loss of your parents, and I'm truly sorry for your loss, I lost my father to cancer and my grandfather to heart attack.

    I really suggest a pshycologist in this situation.

  3. Jordan has covered all the answers.  But most important of all, TALK!  You need to find someone (friend, clergy, psychiatrist, grand parents) to discuss your feelings. People will understand.  There are others that have gone through what you have and can sympathize and give you suggestions on how to cope.  Good luck. :)  Sorry for your losses.

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