I completed what I thought was a successful CL's transaction this afternoon; a large ticket electronic in fantastic condition. My ad was detailed, truthful and thorough. I provided pictures of the item from every conceivable angle. I priced it competitively, but fairly. He claims I didn't. Nevertheless he agreed with the price.
Now the seller has called saying I misrepresented the item, even though my ad stated exactly what the item was and he had plenty of time to check out the item, do market research and all of that.
What is his recourse? I'm afraid he will continue to harrass me because of his failure to do adequate research. My ad clearly stated once the buyer took possession of the property it was no longer my responsibility. I feel badly that he is unsatisfied with the item, but I do not think that is my problem.
What are the expections of seller once the buyer had left the premises with the property?