
How to deal with Racism in neighbourhood?

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I live in an area where the houses are provided to the people who rent it from government, and in ireland its usually not a peaceful area at all.

Kids/travellers tend to throw rocks at peoples house , black/asian people to taunt them, How can I cope with this?




  1. Be your neighbors keeper.  Make anonymous reports to police hot lines, be nice to your neighbors and try not to stress about whats going on too much, your neighbors probably has been dealing with this type of mischievous behavior for quite some time and probably has means of dealing with this.  All you can do is be a good neighbor and a respectful individual to society.  I hope this was somewhat helpful.

  2. Hello

    there must be other concerned neighbors you could connect with.

    Organize a neighborhood watch and for local schools to encourage tolerance.

    Probably the best weapon we can have against racism, is pure love.

    As silly as it sounds, but the more someone tries to ridicule us or hate us for who we are, the more we should just love them back unconditionally.  I'm not saying bake them a pie and tell them "thank you for the insult", but just somehow send them love.

    Maybe together, with a neighborhood watch, you could start a tolerance program, and create a "hate free area" in your area.

    Love will prevail, getting even will create more hatred and violence. Just watch the news to see how getting even works all over the world, pure chaos.

    All the best

  3. You can make a difference by being nice to your neighbors. /

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