
How to deal with a 3 year old that tells me no?

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i have a 3 year old boy, Evander and am pregnant with a little girl this time anyway i used to have a hard time telling Evander no and i got the hang of it but now im having broblems with him teling me no what do i do when my 3 year old tells me no




  1. If he says no, then say "fine, then take a time out." And sit him in a secluded bright spot of the house, like on the bottom stair, or at the kitchen table (where no one is around) and have him sit there for 3 minutes for the first time out, and 5 after that. Dont do more than 5 though or he wont learn anything. I am a fan of  time outs and ignoring bad behavior. Because most of the time young kids do things to get a rise or reaction out of you. and if you dont give one, they give up or give in easier. SO I HOPE THIS HELPED! I know 3 year olds are the worst but also the most fun! good luck!!

  2. when ever he says im hungry or thursty tell him no you arnt eating or drinking untill you learn how to stop telling me no

    and then you stripe him down naked and put him in a cold shower and then you break out the belt ,,,,,,,, nana just kidding lol on the baby beating part

  3. Ben R is completely correct - not about the mother thing - just about the respect thing.

    A 3 year old does not understand how to disrespectful - he may be developing normally and is starting to test the waters, but this is a time for you to take the opportunity to TEACH him respect.

  4. my son is very vocal and stubborn. If he tells me no to many times I will take a very small amount of Tabasco put it on my finger and then put it on his tongue. After about a minute I give him milk. It taught him very quickly.

    BTW. nothing else worked, times out, a swat on the bum....nothing

  5. all these responses are wrong

    find out what the real problem is , ie what is causing him to misbehave, when that is solved you will be in peace

    never take a one sided approach in conflicts

    maybe you are doing something you don't realise

  6. Whose the parent?

    You are.

    No is not a word that your child should or can get away with using on you.

    There is no negotiation's, there is your way, and that is it.  He says- "no," and you say "I said <whatever>"

    You are not being mean, you are telling him who is in charge, and he needs that, now and in the future.

    Stand your ground and be firm

    (Please do not think I want you to hurt your kid, I just want you to be a good, firm, solid, consistent parent- which is what I think you want)

  7. DONT say NO! reverse your statement. for example: if hes asking you if he can watch TVand hes not allowed dont say no. instead, tell him YES you can watch but not now because... blah blah.. kids dont like to hear NO or DONT. your problem now  is him telling NO. ask him WHY. let him express his reasons. listen to him and explain to him if its not possible.

    hes 3yo already and he CAN understand whatever you tell him. i have  5yo now but i cant remember anything that she didnt do what i told her.

    your kid  will understand you as long as you talk and explain to him properly. maybe hes having problem with you being pregnant. maybe hes seeking attention taht why hes doing that. talk to him all the time and assure him that nothing will change even youre  going to have a new baby.

  8. Be a parent and put your foot down.  I dont understand why parents today let their kids walk all over them, then wonder why the kids are so out of control.

  9. slap him until he stops

  10. if your 3 year boy is play up put him on a step and make him stay there till he said sorry

  11. Your child is too young to understand being disrespectful to you.  He is just repeating a word that he heard from you or someone for the past year or more!  Don't get upset when he says "No" to you.  Just turn everything into a postive statement and stop using the word "no" yourself.  Perhaps things would be better for you if you hadn't gotten yourself into the fix you are in as a single woman with kids.  Sorry, but I can't call you a "mother" or "mom."  Any woman can get pregnant, but it takes someone really special to be a mother.  Any man can get a woman pregnant but it takes someone really special to be a father.

  12. you need to be the boss, i have a four year old and i recently watched the super nanny dvd's i tried the naughty spot and it really does work, i know it's hard to hear your baby cry but if you dont nip this in the bud he will get older, bigger and smarter and it will only get worse.

  13. dont give him a choice and show him that you are the boss

  14. spritz em with vinegar or bap him on the nose with a brick

  15. Man my nephew's in that stage right now and is just now starting to get out of it. The only way we got him to listen and stop telling us "No" or "I can't" was to tell him that we don't want to hear that kind of answer. Then -when- he'd say it again, it became a threat to send him to bed early or punish him somehow. And when he'd once again say no again, we'd drag him to his bed while he kicked and screamed.

    They nickname two year olds the "Terrible Two's" but what are the three year olds sposed to be, the "TotallyIncompetantPainInTheAss Three's?"

  16. "Oh, Evander, I'm so sorry, but no is not a choice for you."

    Additionally, you can give him directions in the form of choices so that no will not be a logical answer, like this:  "It's bathtime--would you like a warm bath or a cold bath tonight?" or "It's bedtime, dear.  Would you like to go to bed with a story or without a story tonight?"  If he says, "I don't want to go to bed," reply, "That is not a choice," and go back to repeating what his choices are.

    The most important thing, though, is that you need to pick your battles, and when you say no, you must follow through.  If you don't, you are setting yourself up for some serious issues when this boy becomes old enough to physically resist you.

  17. All you have to do is not back down to him, when you say no stick to it, backing down everytime is giving hime the wrong message. Hes a child, your the adult. If he continues to be like this when your next baby comes along you are going to find it very difficult with 2 kids controlling your life, and i dont really think thats what you want. Of course he will cry but after a few days/weeks of seeing that when u say no u mean no, he will chill about things more. Good luck

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