
How to deal with a 4yr old that suddenly starts pee his pants.and to uncarlisticlly misbehave with no changes

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no changesa or trauma happening in his life. always well rounded and content and extremlly happy,I thougt at first that he just waited to long playing and all.I don't know what to do. Spanking seems to harsh.




  1. Our son did that, too. Twice. My mom read an article from a Dr. in the paper that said for a child that old, they should be punished. Not by      ing, but by telling them it's not ok, and he has to sit on his bed if he can't be a big boy. It worked really well on our son. We weren't mean, and didn't yell. We just told him it wasn't ok. He really didn't like it, so he stopped right away. At that age, he is old enough to know thw signs and go to the bathroom. Good luck.  

  2. kids will do things to get attention,especially if he knows he gets a reaction from you. Reward the times he's good so he wants to please you!

  3. At the age of 4 my son started to exercise his "control" by acting out he also had a few  incidents of wetting himself or throwing tantrums in order to slow progress or just to gain attention in some cases. Once we determined this was a power play we sat him down and asked him why he felt the need to do these things and informed him that those behavior were  unacceptable. We also told him that if he chose to act like an infant we would be happy to treat him as such but that would mean the loss of certain privileges and toys that were not suitable for an infant. Once he realized we were serious about those things he resumed being our charming little man with the occasional slip up.

  4. If he is in a daycare situation, you might consider the possibility that something is stressing him out or causing him hurt, and this is his way of dealing with it...

  5. you should never spank a child for having an accident it can only make things worse. Do not make a big deal out him clean up and make an increased effort to remind him to go. Also,get him checked out by the doctor he may have a urinary tract infection or a medical reason behind the accidents

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