I have a boy (5) and a girl (2). The girl is STUBBORN and difficult at times. I love her very much, but I need advice on how to deal with her. She gets angry very fast and screams a lot. I don't like to pick "fights" with her, but sometimes I need to so she doesn't think she can walk all over us. For example, this morning I asked her which shoes she wanted: sneakers or crocs. She said sneakers. I get the sneakers and socks and start to put the socks on. She says she now wants her crocs. I gave in because I didn't want to set her off, but I did tell her that she can't be doing this kind of thing. We go downstairs and I'm getting ready to take her to daycare. I give her her milk and she says she doesn't want it. I go to put it in the fridge and she changes her mind. I try to give it to her a second time and again she says she doesn't want it. This time it goes in the fridge TO STAY. Now she's screaming and throwing a fit about it. I remind her that she said TWICE that she didn't want it. So she screamed halfway to school and was mad and grumbley the rest of the time.
Am I handling this situation right? We didn't have these problems with my son. He responded to us taking what he said literally and learned if he wants something, not to play games with us. My daughter seems to be getting worse. And she is stubborn. She will not let things go. Anyone have a similar child? How'd you handle them? Does it get better?