
How to deal with a car accident at 18?

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I just got into my very first car accident today. I'm 18 and I've had my license for about 3 months. The accident wasn't terrible just a fender bender. As of right now, I really don't know who's at fault, but I just wanted to know if anybody had any suggestions on how to deal with this accident? Its kinda freaked me out a little. I keep feeling that I am a terrible driver but I'm really not.

Also, does anybody know how to deal with reporting an auto collision?




  1. It is okay .everyone makes mistakes. having your license means you can drive. it does not mean you are a good driver.  that takes a bit longer I think. I also got into my first accident not too long after I got my drivers license. just like in your case it  was fender bender. no one was hurt. that is the most important thing in my opinion.  but yes it is a horrible feeling. If I remember  the was a short period of time afterwords where I didn't want to drive. and then for a while after that I would only drive with someone else in the car. so take your time and don't force yourself. It will not help your driving if you are nervous about it all the time. If you are really concerned about not being a good driver . maybe you can get someone  who has a lot of experiance to ride with you while you drive in certain situations and critique you and give you pointers. also you can take a defensive driving course. which will serve as a refresher as well as teach you some new things.   It may also allow you to remove any points on your licence that you may have accumulated and lower your insurance rate.  above all don't beat yourself up . try and see it as a learning experiance . evaluate what happened in the accident and what you could have done differently. and if you have paid attention to nothing else I have said please pay attention to this ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS. I DON'T CARE IF YOU ARE DRIVING TEN FEET. ALWAYS WEAR YOUR SEAT BELT.

  2. contact a lawyer and they will explain everything to you.

  3. The police really should have been there.  Contact them, and your insurance guy straight away.Take a big deep breath,  accidents happen to most drivers at some time.  Take a look at what happened and try to learn from it.  It's not the end of the world, and only your insurance person can give you accurate info.  Take it one step at a time, handle each step.  It will work out.  Increased premiums don't stay up forever, if you have no more accidents or tickets.  They do eventually drop back down.

  4. First things first, did you have the police at the accident site. Whether it is your fault or not they should be notified as they will have to make a report and should give you the name of the other drivers insurance company along with his name and address. In a way he is a witness after the fact. This is for your and his protection. I have seen where a person told the other driver the name of his insurance company but he did not have insurance there, do not go by what a driver tells you, see it in black and white and copy down all the necessary information.

  5. The very first thing you should have done was call the cops and get a police report. That way it would be in writing as to who was really at fault.

    The second thing you should have done was call your insurance agent and tell them right away that you were involved in an accident. The would have told you to take pics with your phone if so equipped. Get their insurance name, policy number and name and address of the other guy.

    Then you get an estimate done at a body shop and whoever was at fault, their insurance deals with the whole thing. You wouldn't even have to talk to the guy at all after the incident.

    Insurance would go up if it was decided it was your fault. I don't know how much because each state is different. But you could take a 6 hour course to get 10% off your insurance if you haven't done that yet.

  6. Call the police department NOW and file a report.

    Call your insurance company NOW and relax.

    Accidents happen and who's ever fault it is just remember what you could have done to maybe avoid it and you will in time be a better driver.

    Take some time NOW and drive with your mom or dad and just take a small trip and get something to eat and talk, you will be fine.

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