
How to deal with a stalker?

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Ok so, I'm a senior in high school and this Junior has been stalking to me on face book and everything. He hit on me my sophomore year and I told him no and so I thought that this year he had changed and that we could be friends, but according to his last few messages, he wants more. I knew he had a creepy behavior so when he asked me out on line I just didn't reply to avoid getting myself deeper.

I don't want to be rude to him, but people tell me when you are nce to his, he takes it to mean something else. So I don't think I have a choice but to be kinda rude.

Well, the problem is, I can avoid him, but he knows where my 4th hour class is and when the bell for passing between 3rd and 4th rings, he goes and stands right outside that door. Does anyone have ideas so that he wont talk to me when I go to acting. I thought of pretending to be on my cell,etc and such any others?




  1. You need to speak to your guidance counselor and your principal about it. Stalking can get out of hand really fast, and it is best to nip it in the butt before it becomes an issue. He may seem harmless and he may just be weird...but it is always best to tell someone just in case. The counselor can talk to him and if wont stop, talk to your parents and see if the cops can not get involved. If he stalks you online, close those accounts for awhile and open new ones later on when things calm down. Also, do not post on there where you are going with friends or pics of where you are hanging our, etc. Be safe and I wish you the best.

    IMPORTANT!!!: Do not try and take this into your own hands. If he is really freaking you out, just avoid him.

  2. Don't explode on him just tell him you're not interested as more than just a friend. Yeah, it's smart not to be rude because psycopaths like this are the ones who bring guns to school and shoot everyone up.

  3. It's time to tell him who's in charge.

    You're going to have invite him over to your house for dinner. Tell him you made homemade pizza, or whatever.

    Now this is one of the most important parts.

    MAKE SURE YOUR PARENTS ARE THERE EATING DINNER WITH YOU. Tell them what's up and what you need to accomplish.

    And well, during dinner let your parents put the whip down.

  4. Have you thought of speaking to the school counselor.  His behavior can be considered sexual harassment.  You do not have to speak to him.  He's not going away unless you get someone to help you.

  5. boys suck.. girls suck worse. yah you

  6. call the police!!!!!!!!

  7. tell a freaking teacher, adult or just call the police, you cant spend the rest of your high school trying to get away from him and make excuses, it will just get worse.

  8. call the cops

  9. if you see him or her and u sure its him or her take a pic and put it on the internet so all know about it.

  10. eat them munch munch munch XD

  11. Tell him straight up that you are not trying to be rude or hurt his feelings, but you really don't want anything more.  Say that you're a senior, you will be leaving for college (if you are), and that you don't want anything serious right now.  That is really creepy, I just watched a movie about a stalker :(

  12. Some people interpet anything you say as encouragement. Even if you shout "no!" they are thinking, maybe I can change her mind, maybe she's just playing hard to get, etc.

    Not making eye contact with him is a good idea -- it's difficult to talk to someone who won't look at you. Try not to talk to him at all, under NO circumstances invite him to your house for any reason (you don't want to show him where you live and the layout of your house!!). I would also let people know that this guy is keeping tabs on you -- tell a guidance counselor, a teacher you trust, your best friend, your parents. Gather witnesses to prove you are not "encouraging" him, in case you would ever have to make a police report. Good luck, and stay safe!  

  13. Oh for heavens sake!  Grow up.  

    If you're not interested in him just say look I'm not interested in you.  Just because I'm not mean and nasty doesn't mean I want to date you so please stop following me around.  

    If he doesn't tell him you'll call the police.

  14. Your worried about being rude when he's following you everywhere? that in itself is extremly rude and not right. you have every right to tell him to back off and threaten him with the police

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