
How to deal with a talking teacher?

by Guest62063  |  earlier

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this teacher is just write two words on the board and then he start talking with the students about everything else unrelated to the subject and when he goes back to the lesson he just skip some important stuff and move on .. what the h**l is that?? I can't understand Physics like this!!!!!! he doesn't talk about physics he just talk about football and the weather at this time of the year, wastes the time of the class.. I can't stand him!!

I read the book I still couldn't understand the laws and the examples do I tell him at the class to stop talking and go back to the lesson :) I'd like to do this but I'm afraid he will be mad ..

help me




  1. You have an advantage since you read your books. The next time he starts talking football or the weather or about anything else under the sun, ASK HIM A QUESTION about what you read and how it might be related to whatever he is talking about. This way, you send him a message that you are interested to learn about the subject he is supposed to teach and not about his opinions.

  2. get used to it??seriously tho., whatever you do, don't give him an excuse to pick on you.Try to be agreeable but at the same time work your *** of.and get a different mindset.and start thinking positively.

  3. Politely approach your teacher about this in private.  Teachers can't read your mind and do not know whether or not you are processing the information.  It is PERFECTLY OKAY to talk to your teacher about when you are not learning! This will not only help you, but it will also help your teacher understand what he is doing.  Remember, he can't see himself.  So, he can't see his flaws as accurately as you can.  However, you must approach him kindly and modestly.  Say something like, "Excuse me, Mr. ______, I'm not trying to be impolite, but I am struggling with some concepts in your class.  Understanding the subject is very important to me.  When you start talking about things that are off-topic, I cannot follow what you are teaching.  Again, I'm not trying to be rude.  I am just seeking help, because I really want to understand Physics, and I am very lost right now."

    Remember to do it in private and not in front of other students.  A teacher who cares will reflect on his or her own teaching methods and be careful to make changes.  He could be a lousy teacher.  Let's hope he's not, though.  If he does not use your kind approach as a way to improve his methods, then he is not a good teacher.  Remember, if he gets mad, it is for the wrong reasons.  You are correct to approach him.  Teachers do not know everything, and the ones who think they do are poor teachers.  

    I myself am a teacher and I'd LOVE any student to come to me with concerns about my teaching if I am not reaching them.  The job is about reaching the students--not parading around the room as some kind of perfect model.  

    If you can't learn in the class and your teacher won't listen, try to find a friend to study with you or a free tutor.  You could also try to switch classes if that is a possibility.

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