
How to deal with a very greedy boy?

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My youngest son is 8. If I allowed it he would eat all the time. Two minutes after a meal he wants to know what's next. He will steal his sister's food even though he knows it's wrong. If he gets up before me he will eat a whole packet of biscuits. I can't have ice cream in the house because he pesters to screaming point for it. I have talked to him about this many times but nothing sinks in. I don't want to give him a complex about his weight, he isn't fat but a little stocky. I don't want to start locking food away but I fear for his future when he is responsible for his own food intake. Oh, and yes, he does get enough to eat. He can't possibly be hungry!




  1. At my house we had to do away with snacks for the most part as my girls wouldn't eat the healthy things offered to them at meals because they relied on the 'fun' things of snack. To get him to fill up try offering things that are high in protein (yogurt, cottage cheese, nuts, etc.) instead of carbs and things that his body will work right through. If you don't want him pestering you about food (ice cream, treats, etc.) you need to lay the ground rules down that these types of things are only for dessert after a nutritious meal  has been completed (meaning he gets all his vitamins, nutrients, etc. from eating the meat, veggies and whatever else is offered as the meal itself). It will be tough in the beginning, just as it is any time you introduce new parameters and guidelines, but eventually he will understand that you mean what you say and there's no unhealthy snacking between meals.

    Offering things like fruits, veggies, nuts, yogurt, etc. as snacks will also ensure that if he does snack he's filling up on things his body needs and not empty calories.

    Best of luck to you!

  2. I don't mean to be mean and butt into your business.........but an 8 yr old also should be making biscuits.......a stove is very dangerous!!!

    Be consistant with his meals





    dinner snack

    nothing else!!!

    make sure his meals are things that are healthy but filling!

  3. Hi I agree with the answer that says dont buy them in, if you have food stocked up with nice things and you know your son will want them and demand them then stop buying them, if there not there he cannot eat then and he probably wont even moan for them, just change his sweet snacks for more heathier stuff and if he wont eat it then it tought, if you want to eat them then hide them and when he is in bed then eat them when he isnt around, its probably just a thase he is going thorught knowing he will get it if he ask for it and if not he will get it himself.

    Maybe talking him to see a nurtrisonist would help lead you in the right direction.  

  4. You really are sensible to be concerned. I feel sorry for the mums of today as when I was a child there was nothing to eat other than regular meals. If it means locking everything away just give it a try and leave only bread with nothing to put on. If he is really that hungry he will eat it. For sure I would then go and discuss it with with your Doctor.I am a big believer that a good bowl of porridge is the best way  for children to start the day followed by regular meals and a glass of milk and two biscuits at bedtime.I am sure you are giving him regular meals  but there should be no reason for any child to snack between meals.There was never a weight problem you just never saw an overweight child..I know it will be pain full for you to deny him all he wants but you are being a good mum and his tummy will soon adjust.

    Good Luck

  5. You never know, maybe he is still hungry. Growing boys can eat you out of house and home. I had an uncle that had to put a lock on his fridge because he had 3 growing boys. for dinner his wife would cook 3 chickens a whole bag of potatoes, a whole head of lettuce and between the 5 of them it was all gone.

    I have heard the complaint about how growing boys eat a number of times from moms I know. I think its pretty normal.

    Although if he's begging for stuff you dont think he should have offer him a healthy alternative, instead of icecream offer him a banana or an apple, or maybe a few cheese and crackers. If he turns that down you know its just the junk he wants and really isn't hungry but eating out of boredom.

    When he asks for junk ask him if he would rather go outside and play  with you or go to the park or go for a walk instead. Redirection my help too.  

  6. let him eat as much as he likes, but give him more fruit and veg, at meals make him extra mash potato and veg to stop him wanting to snack, one pack of sweets a day was what we got, our parents couldn't afford more. i might sound like a boring old f**t but when i was a kid we never ever had ice cream in the house, or chocolate, or crisps, they were all treats. nowadays everyones cupboard are full of this stuff.

  7. maybe you can keep healthy treats for him to nibble. ice-cubes made from diet coke, vegetables like raw carrots, even peas etc..., low-fat cheese etc...

    my son is 5, and he loves to eat. but he doesn't like sweets and chocolates, he just likes to eat a big portion.   i don't let him drink softdrink, they're empty calories.

  8. Well, maybe he is hungry.  At age 8 he may be having another growth spurt, and most growth in kids occurs in the summer.  Offer him food that is acceptable to you, but not exactly fattening - like vegetables with a dip or popcorn.  Offer tasty food that is nutritious, and perhaps he'll surprise you with growth - oh yeah, and for the heck of it chart his height the next 3 months.

  9. Some kids can't feel when they're full.  Maybe you should get that checked out.

  10. He could have an eating disorder. Depression or other issues can cause a child to eat. Eating often feels 'fulfilling', as in feeling some need he craves.

    Is it just junk food he is after? I would keep that to a minimum and make sure its not even around for him to get into. Getting food without asking should be a discipline issue. He faces punishment for doing so which can include grounding or he has to clean the kitchen, etc

    Maybe you can have him start helping in making dinner. This will put his obsession for food into an activity (and a learned skill) into play.

    I would also have him see a doctor, just to cross out any health issues that might be present.

  11. Say, "Quit it fatty"

  12. Check out that he doesn't have that condition where a full stomach isn't registered.

    When he asks about food, dismiss it with little or a not interested comment - like, "I don't know. We'll think about tea at 5.00 to eat at 5.30.

    Now what would you like to do?"

    Try to keep him busy doing active things, which will take his mind off food. And when he is eating, try to make sure that it's low fat and calorie.

    I really think you have to see a doctor about this. He may need to see a child counsellor to get to the root of this or to help you break this cycle he's in. I know a child with ADHD and mild autism who has exactly this behaviour, and I am afraid that she has to lock the kitchen and he has a little fridge in his room with salad, fruit and low fat yoghurts in to eat when he decides. I'm not suggesting that he has the same condition, but that it may have to be handled the same way.

  13. Get with it mom!!  He needs a mom who teaches him.  He it totally in control of you.  Set simple rules and if they are violated, have serious concequences!  Take away TV, internet, make him read a chapter in a book and report to you.  You can figure that out but you got to stick to your guns!  It it easy to talk about, but tough to do.

    I bet you will not be able to be a mom but rather an enabler.  That is really to bad for your kid.    

  14. either dont buy it or stick to ur guns wont happen over night though  

  15. try speaking to your doctor about this , maybe he may have something wrong with him (nothing bad, not sounding nasty)

    i once watched a programme about people who never feel full which in turn leads to constant eating and obesity!

    he may just be going through a growth spurt but it doesnt harm talking to a professional!

  16. Very good question.  Important too.  Eight year old boys are hungry!  But this isn't about hunger at all.  In fact it's not even about food.  It's too compulsive.  

    The red flag you gave me was the sneaking and stealing of food from cupboards and other people's plates.  Put it this way - people who are eating via hunger aren't hiding or sneaking their food.

    Compulsive eating is psychological.  It doesn't mean that he was beaten, molested or traumitized.  It's a coping mechanism for all those things, but also for boredom, emotions, stress... you name it.  It will lead to huge problems down the line, both phsycial (weight, heart disease, diabetes, etc) and psychological (depression, codependency, eating disorders).

    Bite this early... no pun intended!  Talk to his pedi about getting an evaluation.

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