
How to deal with an Ex-GF who's very stubborn & selfish.?

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Going to keep it simple...

I'm pretty much confused on what to do and how to deal with someone who's extremely selfish, stubborn and abusive with slurs and occasionally psychically abusive to me.

On several occasions I have decided to move on, however she gives me mix signals and strings me along.... I want to remain friends however. What to do if you were in my shoes?




  1. you shouldnt take physical abuse with anything.  stubborn and selfish?  9 1/2 out of 10 people are that way.  move it along now.

  2. Sometimes going on without trying to be friends at first is the only way to deal with someone who won't let go.  You both need space from each other.  Do you think this person is dangerous?  If you do you need to tell someone about it.  You never know how some people will take things and sometimes it's better to be safe.  She may be ready to be friends later if you just move on for right now.  Good luck.

  3. You need to answer one question.  DO you love her!  If the answer is no then move on, but if it is yes then you need to find out why she is so nasty to you.  My guess is she is deflecting a very mixed up head (hers) onto you and I am guessing also that this is the only way she knows how to deal with her issues and problems.  Have a chat, see where she is at.  Keep your chin up, don't take abuse, that is simply not good enough!

  4. Don't be her friend! The way you describe about her to us signals she has some serious mental issues to work out by herself!

    If you continue to be with her and such, she will destroy any chances you have with moving on and dating another WAY MORE wonderful girl.

    Block her number/email/myspace/etc. If she continues, file for a restraining order.

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