
How to deal with an ant infestation

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ive got ants in my kitchen

and ants in my bathroom! they are all over the tooth paste...

how to get rid of the ANTS!!!! AHHHHHHHH




  1. Whenever I get ants in the house I apply a few drops of a mixture of

    30 grams/litre of Sodium borate, & 11       grams /litre of boric acid in a ready to -use liquid. ~into a few saucers .

    I place -the-saucers on the sink.--The ants guzzle the liquid & go back to the nest.

    After a day or 2 we never see the ants again for at least 3 months.

  2. Tape. LOL. I think it's really fun, but of course I'm a kid. Try it though :D But like, my dad got this thing that looks kinda like a bike reflector, and how it's supposed to work is, there's something in the middle that attracts and and they walk in towards it and gets trapped. I don't really know how it works exactly, but yeah. Ants are gross..

  3. if you want to get rid of ants you have to kill off the colony. they come in looking for food,,so give them food. 2 kinds they will take to the nest  and kill'em off  for sure is powdered corn meal (i use Masa--the meal used to make mexican tacos) and artificial sweeteners like SweetnLow  or Equal that contain Aspertane (look at the label). Just put it around where you think they are coming into the house. in 2 or 3 days  you wont see them any more. All dead.

  4. I have heard that peppermint oil makes them stay away.  But first you have to clean everything super good.

    However, something I have used firsthand that I purchased from HEB or Walmart is called Hot Shot ant killer.  I used this to spot kill ants that were on countertops, and I followed them back to the crack/crevice they are coming through, and spray really good in there.  Spray around windows and doorways, underneath cabinets...anywhere you have seen them.  

    Once the poison dries, you need to clean the surfaces before putting your toothbrush or food or anything  back on them.  The poison smells strong, so make sure you cover your face, and crack a window,and get out of the house after you are done for awhile till the smell mostly goes away.


  5. I dealt with ants for years keeping away food sources like cough syrups and sweet stuff in bath room and doing the below after a while they just moved on else where!! NO FOOD for them no ants after a while..

    I no longer have to do this, but I wanted to share for those who have the problem. I have conquered the ant problem this year!! Keeping ants out of your pet’s dishes and small animals cages

    As you will see there are so many uses for what I am going to tell you.  You can keep ants from getting to the fruit you have put in your birds cage, and keep ants from getting into the soft wet litter areas in small animal cages like hamsters or guinea pigs. There is no end to what it can do.  You see, its simple, I use petroleum jelly (Vaseline). I know you have seen the scout ants hunting around your house. They hunt for damp cool areas and for food.  Ants cannot cross over a line of petroleum jelly. They would get stuck, one toe in and the see the cant cross, they don’t even try.  So they won’t be able to get to your pets food or water so therefore won’t be able to bring back the rest of the troops to invade your home!!  A thin line around a trash can, or bird cage legs and base of your pets food or water dish, (apply to sides of dish about 1 inch from the floor).  I use a thin line applied with a q-tip around my guinea pigs cage, she used to get ants in her cage they wanted her fruit all the time… I just tried my tried and true way of keeping ants out of my cat’s dishes and it WORKED GREAT!! I am so happy with this method for the past several years… I used to put my cats food dish in a pie tin of water, which worked great because ants can cross water… a good idea and can be used in a pinch, but I found the food kept falling in the water and making a murky mess and attracted even more ants if I did not change the water in the pie tin few times a day.  

    REMEMBER ONE IMPORTANT THING! Keep cages, bowls, etc. from touching the walls by at least one inch so the ants can’t bypass the petroleum jelly and enter the bowl or cage from the wall where it is touching as to avoid the carefully placed petroleum jelly. I even use the petroleum jelly around my trashcans in doors and out.  Keeps ants from there as well!


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