
How to deal with backstabbers?

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There are people at work who keep talking about me behind my back. Despite my efforts to stop it, they won't stop. They say really nasty things, too, but what they say doesn't follow the Community Guidelines. Thus, I won't post it. I can't switch workplaces because this is my family's business. Help me, please! This has been going on for more than two months.




  1. NOW let's pull out the Big Guns!!! God loves us all and you are entitled to respect. My suggestion is to read and believe the Bible verses that I am including. What then shall we then say to these things? If GOD be for us, WHO can be against us? - Romans 8:31 The Lord daily loadeth us with BENEFITS, even the GOD of our salvation. Selah. - Psalm 68:19. BEFORE you enter a vehicle, room or building, say quietly, "Peace Be To This House." - Luke 10:5  Those who are on the premises will act in a peaceful demeanor and can't help but have some common sense as well. As the intelligent person that I know, you would NEVER invite a person or persons to be around you, who had this 'backstabbing defect.' Be very hesitant as in, I don't have a telephone as yet. I am presently living with relatives (who don't allow telephone calls and/or messages) and don't know when I will get my own phone. Since this is your family's business, then you should have some favorable input here. You can decide to either have a ' family group meeting' or 'talk it out' individually with family members. Someone in your group should have some semblance of common sense. I wish you much success and


  2. Find a new job.  If it's your family's business this is really the only solution.  Remove yourself from the situation.  That is the only way I could stop the backstabbing in my family...I had to leave them behind.  Oh I'm sure they still talk about me behind my back, but since I've removed myself from them it doesn't matter.  

  3. Try talking to your supervisor.  If you really feel upset about it, its a big ruiner to the workplace environment.  I don't really know what's going on, but if you really feel they are unprovoked things they are saying, i.e. you didn't do anything to say nasty things about you, it needs to stop.  How, also are you finding out?  Because if you found out without them knowing then its not so much, but if they made a way for you to find out, that is workplace harassment.  Again, I say talk to your supervisor and tell you how its making you feel and that something needs to get done for the workplace to feel comfortable for you; that is the job of your boss, to make the workplace a safe and positive environment.  If they don't help you, go to the next person up until you've reached the top.  If that really doesn't work, I have no idea... someone's gotta help you!

  4. You can't really say anything as they are talking behind your back. so you are not supposed to know.. That is a very cowardly way.. It depends if what they are saying can hurt your reputation in any way.. if so.. confront them and tell them that what they say is a bundle of lies and that they better stop to spread slanderous lies or it will have consequences for them.. if they still don't stop and the gossip is really something that could be bad for your reputation and not just some stupid silly talk then you have to mention it to the manager and tell him about this... he should get involved then and stop them...  xx Don't quit your job because of some silly cows.. there are likely to be some backstabbers everywhere you work.. if you leave because of them, they win.. you get nothing... so don't quit the job.. Let them know how unprofessional their behaviour is and all made up out of lies.. and tell them if they don't stop you are going to tell the manager and do so if they giggle and laugh.. unless they apologize.. that's slander.. they have no right to .. unless it's harmless and they say. oh she is the one with the freckled face...  or she is the foureyes.. if you wear glasses, in that case that's childish and stupid that's not worth pursueing that's worth ignoring.. xx If this is your families business you definitely don't want to quit.. they could be dismissed.. you are related to the boss.. so they should be shivering if they talk behind your back as they can be sacked anytime .. family business means you are at an advantage..  they are just workers there you are family. xx

  5. Sometimes the more you 'stir the pot' so to say the more will happen to you........I'd just be positive, smiling, and happy and let it go, pretend it does not happen, perhaps it will stated it is a

    'family business' .....

    I would say nice things in return, reality may hit them, and they may hear what they are saying that really is not nice, and turn themselves's worth a try.....

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