
How to deal with betrayal and become a better person?

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I had a best friend and we were close and I trusted her with everything. She was obsessed with this guy and his friend liked me. I wasnt so into him until a year later. So a year later we were into each other. The "best friend" then talked to him as much as she could about me even when I told her not to. So once she finds out the she can't have the guy she wants because he found another girl, she went for my guy. Despite me telling her my feelings everyday for this guy, my "best friend" started dating him and told me that she "couldn't help who she liked" and my crush said the same thing to me. Who is in the wrong here? It devestated me at first but I'm just looking for some advice to give me strength.




  1. there is nothing wrong in being angry right now. the anger has been earned by both of them.

    unfortunately, there is nothing you can do. there is nothing to talk about if they already knew how you felt. they still did not care.

    all you can do is keep busy with doing anything. it is not easy but it will pass

    and find a friend that will respect you  

  2. well if that guy liked u why would he go out with ur "best friend"

    talk to her about

    and if she doesnt like listen or whatever

    then tell her its over

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