
How to deal with big black flies?

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I have a problem i have left the windows in the house open for way too long and the kitchen has been left in a messy and dirty state and this and the hot weather has attracted what i call big black flies i dont know what their real name is but we got a lot of them in the house at first there was just one or two but there lots of them now how can i get rid of them? (i dont have a lot of money to deal with this problem) i am cleaning the house completey to see if i am able to find some kind of nest but there are lots of places they could hide that are hard to reach




  1. I'm afraid there isn't a lot you can do. You have to spend a little money and get a sticky fly catcher. This is the cheapest option. Another option is to get an Insect killer spray. Just make sure that all open food stuff is sealed and stored away. Spray every room and leave for a couple of hours.

  2. Hi! Flies don't actually have nests, what they do is lay eggs in the decomposing foodstuff. Check every nook and cranny and make sure there is nothing overlooked. If you can't find anything like this inside the house check out outside and around the house and make sure that there is nothing like a dead animal or something. There must be something somewhere that is keeping them there. Good luck.

  3. you will think i am crazy but this works...take a large ziploc bag, fill it about halfway with water, put a teaspoon or sugar or so inside...find somewhere, like in a window, to hang it, keeping the bag open were it won't spill....give it a's pretty enxpensive :)

  4. had the same problem until i bought an excellent fly trap.  its called RED TOP FLY TRAP.  buy it on ebay.  its great and you see how many disgusting flies are caught.

    definately works, good luck.

  5. Get your self a venus fly trap plant.  ( DIONEA )  They love to eat flies. This is the green natural way.

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