
How to deal with defiance disorder in preschool setting?

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  1. Remove the child causing the problem from the room.

    good luck!!!

  2. Make use of the "carrot method", the principle of reward would work more for younger kids.  The reward may be simple things such as a star, a recognition , etc.

  3. I am a professional that works within multiple preschool settings with behaviorally disturbed or emotionally disturbed children.  I work with parents on limit setting and consistence.  I would say being consistent is the most important thing to remember when dealing with these types of children.  Use of time out and redirection also works well.  Angry and defiant children do not respond well to yelling or spanking as it only fuels their anger. Use a calm voice and set clear expectations.  It also helps to find out what they enjoy to use as a reward or to take away privileges.  Hope this helps some!

  4. I have come across this situation both in my training and in the field.  When the child begins to act up, you quietly go over to the child and find out what the problem is which is usually the root of the tantrum in the first place.  You get down to the child's level and give the child a warning such as you need to share the toys with child a and if you continue, you will have to find another centre to play in.  If the child continues, then you inform the child to move to another play area.  You need to exhaust this method.

    If this has not worked, then you have to warn him/her again that he/she will go to time out but please remember that a time out is the last resort.  If you must use it, please do not remove the child from the room.  By doing this, he/she is not learning about what is being taught in the room.  Take a chair and place it somewhere in the room but fairly close to the action in the room so that the child can absorb whatever is being taught.

    I find that warnings work the best and I have not used the time out method in quite a while.  

    Good luck.

  5. First talk to the parents.  What do they do at home?  Do they walk away, give in, punish...?   Find out what words they use with the child to calm him down.  And use them.   Exactly what are they willing to do to help with this behavior problem?  I work with a group of kids 1.5 to 3 years old.  When the parents drop them off I listen to their talk.  One may say, "Is that the kind of good behavior I get at home."  Another may say, "Stop that business."  and another "He's been like this all day and I'm just worn out. It's your turn."   Use the parents phrasing if you can with these little ones because its what they are used to.     Another thing that I have used is to separate them and set out a reward.   I tell the child that he can fuss over here and when he's done this toy is waiting for him, but only when he is done.    Never, ever give the child the thing he is tantrumming for, whether a toy, or food, or will.   Never, ever forget that you are probably at least 5x their age and 5x as stubborn.    Another tactic I have used (this takes time and you will need a helper to be with all the others)  is to set the child on my lap and put my arms around them like a seat belt (hug) and talk to them and answer them.   "Calm down, I love you, shhh, I'm here, Mom will be back,  I love you, No you can't have the ball, its not ball time, later, I love you, I'm so glad you are in my class,when you're still you can play again..."  Lot's of support and encouragement.  This softness takes time but reaps blessings later.     As for how to handle the other children?  It depends on how many and what their own temperments are.  I think if you keep in mind that they know the tantrumming child is in the wrong.  They are waiting for you to fix it and want you to fix it so they can feel safe with you.  If the tantrummer is not hurting themselves you can speak to the calm ones and let them know quickly what they should do while your busy.

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