
How to deal with dictators?

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I work with a person that dictates to us at work what we can and cannot teach in our classrooms (I personally just ignore her). But it's getting so bad that when she is talking she wags that pointy finger at you. I'm starting to get so annoyed I just want to yell and scream and tell her where to go, but that would be very much unprofessional!! So instead I bite my tongue and mumble bad language to myself. How can I tell her to back off instead of making this an issue with the administrators? I'm not the only one, she acts like this with other staff too, but I'm new to this school this year and I don't want to ruffle any feathers right away.

Any advice how to tell someone that is a dictator to be quiet and let me teach my class the same way I've been teaching it for the past 14 years!




  1. Whenever she speaks, mimic kere in a high-pitched whiny voice. That'll show her!

  2. If this person is just a random co-worker, then she has no business telling you how to teach and I would recommend that you just ignore her.  Know that she is a control freak and you can't change that, but neither can she control the way that you teach.  Don't tell her what you do, and she can't try to change it.

    If, on the other hand, this person has some actual authority over you - a department chair, principal, etc. - you can't teach your class the way you have for the past 14 years.  You are in a new job, with a new supervisor who has a right to tell you what they want done in this workplace.  In that case, if you don't follow her approach, you will probably lose your job.  

  3. belittle her actions toward you.wag your finger at her during all conversions with her no matter the subject and talk down to her like she is a little child who don't understand how the world works(because apparently she don't)

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