
How to deal with fading kitten syndrome?

by Guest31823  |  earlier

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My cat had a litter of 6 kittens 3 weeks ago. They all were doing great until yesterday. Two of them died. They both were listless, started meowing loudly, took a few deep breaths, and just died. My heart is broken. The other 4 kittens look great right now-chubby, bright-eyed and active. However, the other 2 became sick pretty fast-over a time of 10 hours or so. I really want to keep my kittens alive. I have a vet appointment for tomorrow afternoon--couldn't get one sooner. When the two got sick, I fed them kitten milk, kept them warm, and tried very hard to keep them alive. Has anyone ever dealt with something similar? I don't want to lose the other 4 kittens. Please help me save my precious babies.




  1. Im so sorry about your loss, go and see a vet now find an ER, do not wait for the appointment you dont know how long they'll stay alive if you dont go

    Good luck

    I hope they'll survive!

  2. Find an ER vet or take the kittens in to your vet now.  You don't have time to wait for your appointment.

  3. Just get to the vet ASAP and while your there tomorrow ask your vet. She will know what to do, this is what they do.

  4. take them to the vet now this is a life or death matter no time to loose

  5. see a professional for help

  6. You need to find out why the other two kittens died - it could be distemper, and not fading kitten syndrome.  The symptoms are the same.  They need to go to the vet now, not tomorrow afternoon.  If it's distemper there is nothing you can do, but if not, the sooner what you are dealing with is diagnosed, the more likely the remaining kittens will be able to pull through.  

    When you made your vet appointment, did you explain the importance of it?  I have never heard of a vet that won't take you the same day for something serious.

  7. I have had many litters of kittens and have not had that happen before.  It sounds like those kittens had an illness and if the others have it that could be bad.  Have you had the mother tested for certain feline diseases before she had kittens?  It could be something the mother passed down to them.  Maybe those two that died got into something that the others didn't or maybe they were the only two sick.  Hopefully that is the case, since it would be very sad for you and the mom if the whole litter died.  Sorry about the other two.  = (

  8. this just happened to me, i lost my foster kitten zeke. he was fine and then one night he wasn't and passed away. i was devastated! for the other four kittens i think that if you just keep them warm and well fed, water as well. they should be ok. i was nervous about leaving the other two kittens alone while i was at work so i had someone come and check up on them through out the day. When they go to the vet make sure that they are at the right weight for their age and have been dewormed. Again i am sorry for your loss my heart goes out to you!

    EDIT~ how are the others doing right now? if they are fading get them to the vet ASAP don't wait, i shouldn't have waited thinking that i could take care of it myself. don't make my mistake!

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