
How to deal with flatulent new colleague?

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my friend was telling me they have a new worker at their call center who is constantly flatulent. The person has only been there a week and already there is talk around the office of the colleague being fired because of the disruption it causes. (the people in the call center need to breathe to make and take calls, aside from the noise. it's already noisy enough he says without this extra interference on the line.)

What can my friend say to his colleague to raise the problem sensitively without scaring them off in the first week?




  1. Leave an anonymous post-it on his desk. I think he'll get the picture.

  2. I would take up a collection from the closest workers to him, buy a months supply of bean-o, and leave it on his desk with a note that says... Please. for the love of god, use this frequently...

    sign it

    Co-workers for a breathable workplace

  3. How about "you're stinking up the place, stop it!", or take it to mgmt.  That's so disgusting, I would have to say something straight out.  No one needs to work in these conditions.

  4. It has been said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.  Try giving your colleague a "taste" of his own medicine.

  5. It's simple..."Dooby-doo-doo-wah...Give him Bean-o, and there'll "be no" reason to write back here!" ...Doo-wahhhhh!"

  6. Tell the new worker to go to the bathroom whenever that happens.

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