
How to deal with friend's kids?

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It's getting on my nerves, really. Whenever they are over, she lets them do whatever they want around my house, and me. I don't want to sound mean, after all they are just kids. But for instance, she let her daughter take a nap in my husband and mine bed, although she exactly knows we have a guest room. Also the kid just keeps opening all of my cabinets and drawers, taking stuff out... I was eating sunflower seeds and the kid wanted some, sure.. But she started spitting the seeds all over the floor. Sometimes I'm loosing it and i don't want to lose a friend because of it. What do i DO??? HELPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!




  1. that is your house... tell the kids to relax.. OR tell her that she needs to not let them do that. as far as the bed thing,.. i mean yeah common sense would tell you there is a guest room put the kid there.. but not all people have common sense.. That really doesnt seeem to be a big deeal but sun flower seeds the floor. You couls tell a kid not to do that.  

  2. Well, in YOUR house you say what goes. Don't wait for her to stop them doing things that are not ok in your house. If you do not want them to be in your room make it clear BEFORE they do it. for example if the mom says "kids it's nap time" right then make it clear that the gues room would be a good place to let them rest. Also, When they spit seeds in your floor, immediately tell the kids in a calm way, "We dont spit seeds in the floor here kids, here let me get you a sack to put them in." If the kids' mother doesn't back you up on enforcing the rules in your house then do not invite her back over. She has to know that it is not acceptable to let the kids disrespect your things. Communicate this with her. It doesn't matter if this offends her or not, you are the one that should be offended by this. Take charge in your own house, it's your' house! Hope this helps. Have a good day!

  3. It is your house so you set the rules.  When the daughter wanted to take a nap you could say...the guest room bed is perfect for naps.  As far as throwing stuff on the floor, you just tell the child that the rule in your house is that garbage goes into the garbage can.  Show her where it is and if she won't use it, tell her she can't have any more seeds.  You could also say there are certain rooms for playing in and the ones with cabinets and drawers ( the kitchen? ) is off limits to the kids.  If you don't speak up, they will assume ( even though they shouldn't ) that these actions are ok with you.  

    Good Luck!

  4. I'd be damned if some little brat would spit of my floor.

    Tell them if they continue to act the way they are then they will have to leave and not be welcome again.

  5. I think you just need to avoid inviting her to your house. Meet at her house or some place else. If she insists, just be frank with her, but polite. Don't eat in front of her and keep her visits very short.

  6. *tell her to get better control over her kids or else they can't come over anymore. she should understand though 'cause she gotta look at it from your perspective.

  7. Been there.  Its your house, so speak up, nicely.  When she goes to put the child down for a nap, kindly say  "Put her in here, she'll be just fine."  When the child spits sunflower seeds on the floor in a nice voice say "  Here is a bowl you can put the seeds in."  If your friend won't mother her children in your home, do it yourself.  If its done in a kind manner, your friend won't be upset, she may even pick up on the clues and start correcting her children herself.

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