
How to deal with husbands childish ex wife? ?

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I'm a newlywed... when i met my husband he was in the process of getting a divorce. His ex wife and her new boyfriend are causing us problems.

They're telling people lies, and making life very hard for us. Her bf works at walmart and he's threatening to have us banned... by lying of course, and all kinda of non sense - for no reason. She goes to my husbands work place and just stalks around; then leaves.

I sent her a very cordial message asking her to stop; i said that we were all adults and should act like such... Well that pissed her off and she is telling everyone i'm sending rude messages and harassing her.... Lie. I dont know how to get it to stop.

She's 22 and is the type that thinks the world owes her something. When they got divorced my husband didnt even fight for anything - even what was his. She got it ALL.

We're trying to start a new life and she just seems to hate the idea. What can we do to make it stop? Thanks.




  1. Do they have kids?  She is 22 and needs to grow up.  Hopefully everything will eventually blow over.  If it gets that bad, get the cops involved, but I wouldn't text her or talk to her anymore because then it will come back after you!!    

  2. There's this thing ....... it's called a "Restraining Order" !!

    Go and get one. As for the whole Wal-Mart thing , well, take it to store management, let them know what their employee is doing(in regards to banning you from the store, not his girlfriend's antics).

    And, quit adding fuel to the fire!! Do not respond to her, you know that's what she wants.

  3. This isn't gonna be easy,you probably want to pull her hair out. Do nothing and ignore her let her spin her own web, by ignoring her you will not give her negative attention or positive stimulation.When you run into others who tell you about the lies she tells,be careful not to fed into it.Reply, I'm sorry you heard that,so and so is having some problems getting over her divorce. Then change the subject. Focus all that energy on being happy and enjoying you're husband. Life is to short to me miserable over her.

  4. How about get a restraining order on both of them.  Then they can't come near you.

    You will have to be careful about going to Wal-Mart though, cause if you go near him, you'd be considered the one breaking the restraing order.

    I suppose you could speak with his boss and show them the order, ( if you get one)  and be allowed to check if he's at work, the times you have to go there.

    Don't worry about LIES she tells.  If it's true, that's she's a liar, others who know her, will have that figured out already.

  5. if she is stalking him at work, that is grounds for a restraing order.

    hopefully there are not any children involved

    and just ignore them, don't go to the walmart where the bf works, go some place else,

    and don't associate with your hubbys  old friends who are still friends with the ex

  6. First of all, I know where you are coming from, except, its my exhusbands wife that is causing trouble  and stalks me.

    For over 12 years now.

    She is very childish...bad.

    Best thing i can tell you hun, and i know this is drastic, but try to make  a new life somewhere else. Get diff jobs, a move to a town nearby maybe. Im not sure...

    Can you get her for stalking? there are stalking laws.

    She is just so jealous she has to know what you are doing at all times. Sounds like she didnt get any closure with her ex, so she has to stalk you and he, to make herself feel better.

    Document everything they do, write it down. Its a proven fact that documentation is the biggest proof in court. Write down dates, times etc, that they do things.

    Hopefully they will stop and grow out of this, but may not for awhile.

    I wish you the best of luck and hope this helps some.

  7. think with your balls. figuratively speaking. Just stop being polite. Just say, LEAVE US ALONE. the more nice you try to be, the more fuel she'll have for her fire. If she is saying you're being a bliatch, then you might as well be a stern, cold, crystal clear stone-hearted lioness. She'll back down.  

  8. the best thing for you to do is to do nothing.  What is she trying to do lower you to her level and you shouldn't.  Just ignore them

  9. i believe in this situation you should have your husband have a talk with her hes the one that can do this explaining that they are no longer together and etc if she continues to threaten and stalk go to the police its better to have a record so people don't think you're crazy ....also don't pay any mind to her she probably realized what a mistake she made and wants him back and one way of doing this is making you too miserable in a way if all your doing is talking about her to him shes winning don't give her the satisfaction life is to short enjoy your husband

  10. Simply put:  You don't.  People will always have a comment when it pertains to someone else's life. Avoid these people and what they have to say and live your life. The ex wife seems to feed off of your responses - so don't give that satisfaction.  Ignore them.  You cant have a conversation with someone who doesn't talk back.

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