
How to deal with inner frustration?

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How to deal with inner frustration. I really do not believe in abusing nor eating animals. (which are both closely related) – However I understand I am in the minority and its hard to constantly watch so much animal abuse and killing, while majority of the society is either unaware of it or acts with agreement to it.

Also I know there is so much pain for human animals too. – However some of them have more power to change the situation or tell someone and fight back. Where as animals do not.

Serious answers only. Thanks.




  1. When I first became vegan, I felt much like you do. Even now, some days, I just want to scream out at the insanity of it all.

    The best thing to do though is to remind yourself that you are making a difference. You can make a bigger difference just by being a good person, educating others appropriately, and by not supporting companies that hurt others.

    When I see an ad I don't like, I turn the channel. I don't purchase from companies that I disagree with. I have signed some legal petitions to aid in animals. I vote for political leaders who support helping animals in some way or another.

    If that isn't enough, I suggest taking up some thing like kick boxing or running to get rid of that anger and adrenaline you might have raging through your veins over this. = )

    You just have to use yourself as a voice for animals and do your best. That is all you can do. You can always do something like I am doing- I am getting my degree in nutrition and plan to do a lot more in that area.

    You could hand out flyers, start a local group or join on, even open up a veggie store, or just have fundraisers and give the money to charities you support. So many things you can do to help yourself and others.

  2. I deal with this a lot too.  When I see adverts on TV they are pushing meat and milk in my face.  When I go to the store, they are giving out free samples of the latest BBQ pig flesh.  When I eat lunch at work I have to contend with the smells of dead animal muscle tissue all around and sometimes it gets quite overwhelming.  

    It's hard to think about all the suffering when you go to the store or a restaurant and see the sheer volume of meat and dairy.  It's astounding and at the same time, extremely revolting.  I'm suprised that only 10 billion animals are killed every year in the US.  It almost seems more.

    But over time, I pushed it out of my mind.  I am more at peace with my veganism now and when I see a fast food commercial I yell "f**k off" to the TV screen.  When I see a semi truck that is transporting meat, I often flip off the truck and driver.  When you start showing your emotions when things are shoved in your face, eventually you will become calmer.  

    Don't let your belief in non-violence make you crazy.  It's very easy to start feeling isolated and alone when you are vegetarian or vegan.  It's easy to feel rejected and perhaps unsupported.  But just to let you know, I am standing behind you one hundred percent and all the other veg*ns out there thank you too.  

    If it starts to feel like too much, try meditation.  Or you could see if you can join a veg*n group in your area for support and just someone who shares the same perspective.

    Have a wonderful day!

  3. try meditation....

  4. i understand where this question is coming from. At times i feel so sorry inside for the animals that are being senselessly killed. I'd like to imagine that one day things will take a turn, and more people will understand that it is not right. But...lets be honest with each other, this is just hopeful wishing. So unless worrying is a new form liberation for the animals, then i don't bother with it. Or at least try not to. Sadly, your concerns won't be solved with stressful thinking.

  5. I agree. I hate seeing people eating animals, which I love so much. It really does make e upset. I just want to yell "Don't you realize who you are eating?!" but, although I only give facts, people do try to get me to stop telling people about the torture. It's not like I make it up. I hate watching horse racing or hearing about animal abuse. I get so, so, so extremely sad when I see a poor animal that got hit by a car. I just get very frustrated that people don't care if they are killing an animal, as long as they get to work on time.

       Just know that by being a vegetarian and not supporting cruelty, you have done your part. It's frustrating for people not to get it, but you should be proud you do. You are doing the right thing by standing up for animals when they can't stand up for themselves.

  6. I deal with my frustration by protesting and other activities that at least cause some economic harm to the animal murder industry.

    If thats not for you... You can always take out your frustration by yelling at the TV or tearing apart an omnivore, figuratively of course. It may not be the greatest idea but you are right and they are wrong... So have it.

  7. Why not become active in the AR movement?  You can distribute AR literature outside the circus or zoo, to your friends, family, neighbours, volunteer at a local animal shelter or farm sanctuary, etc...

    I find that the best way to deal with it is to surround myself with like-minded individuals whom I know can relate to my feelings, volunteer, and to read AR literature.  It gives me avenues to use my energy constructively.

    Best of luck!

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