
How to deal with law school and life?!?

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I am getting really really really stressed and overwhelmed. I worked 3 full-time jobs until a month ago, when I took time off before entering law school (which I did a week ago). During that month I cleaned and cooked every night, but reminded my husband that things wouldn't always be that way and that I'd need his help soon enough. So, law school is immediately demanding. I have so much to do! I just don't have time to clean and cook like I did, but my husband just won't help out. Things get so cluttered and messy. I know I need to just let some things go, but I just can't think when things are so cluttered. All I do is think about how I need to clean. He works full time, but has more free time than I do. What should I say to/do about him? And, how can I cope with being overwhelmed?




  1. I don't know where you are in law school but ours has counselors available to help with these very issues.  You are not alone and it is not that uncommon.  Also - he might be feeling left out when you are so wrapped up in law school.  Do they have a law-partners group for spouses?  If so, suggest that he get involved as this will help him to meet other people going through the same thing he is.   Also, find a place to study that is away from the clutter.  Your school law library or even an off limits to others area in your home.  Finally, realize that your whole life is in transition.  Take a deep breath and let the cleaning wait - it'll get easier to do with time

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