
How to deal with middle child syndrome...?

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I have 3 children. My oldest daughter is 7, my middle daughter is 4 and my son is 7 months. I worry about my middle daughter, Eireland suffering from middle child syndrome.

First of all my oldest daughter is VERY outgoing and invloved in several activities in school, swimming, and competitive cheer. We spend lots of tiem "doing" all of her activities and it seems like Eireland and her brother are dragged along. Sometime she has fun, sometimes not!

Our son is the baby and babies just take time!

Eireland ios very quiet and prefers to play quiet games. We have offered her the ability to be involved and any activity she choses, although seh only wants to be invovled in dance. Very simple, once a week practice and she loves it.

My husband and I try to spend time with just her doing the thigns she likes, reading, singing, goign on walks, going to the movies...and so on. The problem is, becuase she is so quiet I feel like she is being left out. How can I ensure she is not?




  1. it sounds like you're doing a good job and being quiet is part of her personality.  If she becomes withdrawn or doesn't want to do any activities, start getting worried.

  2. you are spending time with her doing the things she likes so you are doing all you can. She is just different to her older sister

  3. As a (very quiet, sensitive) middle child, I can tell you that what you are doing is all that you can do. You seem very aware of the potential problem and are doing everything to avoid it. I know that as a child I tended to get "left out" because I was sandwiched between mr and mrs boisterous ( my bro and sis). You sound like a very attentive mother who won't let her slip between the cracks. If she only wants to dance, thats great, but make sure she is not just telling you what she thinks you want to hear.

  4. I am a middle child and to tell you the truth if it makes your daughter happy to just go to dance practice once a week then you shouldn't try to push her into something else after all she is only 4 and has along way to go in life. Just because she is quiet doesn't mean there is a problem. You will Know if she feels she is being left out, believe me, even the quiet ones have ways of letting you know when they feel they aren't getting enough attention. Sounds like she is just fine, I was and still am a quiet person until there is a need for me not to be!

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