
How to deal with motorcycle accidents, especially broken bones from the crash?

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Motorcycle racing is a good game but most riders ended up on the ground with serious wounds plus broken bones,Beside your good comment, a friend of mind refers the matter to expert bonemaster at:( After checking, everything is magic, so fast and a lot of instant results.Check the email by rushing your enquiries asap. Who knows you might get some expert advice from the maater. It worth trying.




  1. What are you talking about, selling or what????

  2. Are you selling a service?

    How do you deal with broken bones? Go to the quacks, ket pinned, plated & st and wait a while.

    Ive broken so many bones Ive forget what its like not to have a break!

    Its part of the sport/hobby. My Bro does track days in cars and breaks [nearly] as many bones as me !!

    Weird question / statement this one.

  3. Strange question. But my opinion on this matter is motorcycles are an accident waiting to happen.

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