My eldest son's (Neil) father (John) has suddendly popped up with a new wife along with 2 new kids and wants to be his sons life after 9 yrs! Problem is my son wants nothing to do with him and his bio-dad is blaiming me.I am getting now hounded by both him and his wife who thinks i'm the bad guy?Its driving me crazy but i would rather not go to court?
The backround is that while in college abroad in the U.K i met my eldest sons dad in Scottland. It was an immature party style romance and i did not realize this man had a drinking problem till i got pregnant.We got engaged but i left him because he came home(we shared a flat) one night drunk started a fight and started choking me.I returned to the states to my family/friends, started a friendship with my old highschool bf and 4 months later delivered my son Neil .After my son was born i tried contacting John sending him photos ect..but he said he wanted nothing to do with the baby.It took me an extra year but i finshed school with my BA, married my old HS bf (Eddie), and had my second son Alex . We remained married for almost 5 yrs before divorcing(he cheated) but to this day my eldest son Scott knowing its not his bio-dad still calls my ex. hubby dad .And my ex. hubby proudly tells people about his boys, see's them both regularly, and attends both of the sport activities.My ex.hubby pays for his bio-son and even though never adopted my eldest child he pays for all his sports well as other things if need be i emergency.My son loves my ex.hubby to death. But my sons bio-dad John does not understand that his son does not see him as dad and really does not want to see him!