
How to deal with parents who allow their kids to hit?

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My son who just turned 1 started day care, being his first day I stuck around to see how he would feel. 10 minutes after we arrived there was already a boy a little older than him started taking everything away from him and throwing toys at him with the intent to hit him. My son got up and walk to another toy about five feet away from them and the boy still came after him grunting and trying to hit him. His father was there and had no reaction so the lady at the day care came over to stop him. I understand that kids do this, but why does parents think is ok, they wouldnt like it if some kid was hitting on his child. What do I say or do next time?




  1. Maybe he wanted to see how the daycare would handle it?  The child could be an only child and had never been around other children before so the father was just wanting to watch and see how he handled everything and wanted to let the daycare staff do their job since on a normal day he wouldn't be there to stop his son from doing those things.  

  2. I'd walk up the the little **** and say that he's just a baby and in our family we don't hit.  I had a similar problem at the park with my 21 month old daughter and some snotty 40 year old b***h that thought her 8 year old daughter and 4 year old son were the best.  Her kids kept running in front of my daughter to get to where ever she was going and kept making her say, "turn please?" because she wanted a turn.  They were laughing at her and saying no.  I walked up right to them and said, "Please let Phoenix have a turn she's just a baby and doesn't understand what game you're playing and it's rude."  The little boy started to cry and ran to his mother and the daughter looked at me like I hit her with a stick.  Needless to say my daughter got her turn and their mother asked me why I was so rude to her kids that they were playing.  I explained that beating my child to every playground toy imaginable and saying no to her asking for a turn was rude and ignorant and not playing.  I also said that maybe her kids could learn more about turns and not being rude little beasts.  She got pretty pissed at me and started saying something and I just said, sorry it's not your turn to talk and walked away.  Some people are REALLY dumb.

  3. Stay home with your baby yourself.

    I mean dropping off a one year old in a strange place with no real supervison where other children can beat and steal from him?

    Pretty awful.

    If you can't, you need a relative or a private babysitter to come to your house. Find another house mom in the neighborhood. Go to church and find a mother who'd like a little extra money.

    But just abandoning your child there......

    Sorry but I couldn't live with that.

  4. I would tell the little kid to stop hitting my child. Or tell the parent you do not appreciate his child hitting yours. If the parent doesnt seem to respond, ask the child care provider to handle it.  

  5. Say, very gently to this boy, "oh, that's not very kind", then give him the evils if his Dad is not looking! Encourage your boy to move away from children who don't share or are being mean.

  6. Maybe have the teacher speak to the father about his child's behavior.

    I know that people hate it when other parents tell them what to do or how they should do things, a complaint to the teacher/school might make it easier for him to handle.

    It's not appropriate behavior and needs to be dealt with before that child injures someone.

  7. i would be as polite as possible and just say that you are not telling him how to raise his child but that you raise yours not to hit and you do not appreciate that your child is getting toys thrown at him by his child. if he seems like one of those people who just dont care i would go straight to the women who run the 1yr old section to try and keep your child seperated from his

  8. i would have just walked up and took my child somewhere else or sat there with him and then if the kid still tried to hit him tell him no myself..i would be at an absolute loss though as to why the dad did nothing are you sure it was his dad? and that he seen what was going on?i would never allow my daughter to hit and being a bully at such a young age wow..i guess you can talk to the daycare center if you see it happen again but you are right it does happen (even if the parents do not ignore it) and because there are other children around it might take a minute for the person working there to notice..i think it will happen really at any day care..

  9. That has happened with both of my boys.  At first I ignored it expecting the parent to do I step in.  I just tell the other little kid, no honey it's not nice...after I step in, it seems the parent is all of a sudden aware their child is beating the c**p out of my son.  But, my oldest now is two, and he can handle his own, but I do not allow him to hit back.

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