
How to deal with racism- bullying?

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Here is what happens: my daughter is Hispanic-Caucasian and when she goes to school other kids *bull* her because of her skin color obviously I can’t tell that to their parents because parents teach kids things like that… What I can do?




  1. you need to talk to the principle until something is done about it

  2. that's a hard thing for a little girl to have to deal with. you need to go talk to her teachers and the principal and let them know what is going on. make sure you tell your little girl that the kids are doing that to her because they are jealous that their skin isn't tan and pretty like hers.

  3. Move to an area more diverse? That's an extreme measure, but on the west coast racism is rare.

    I'm the only victim of racism in my city. I don't know why, but for everyone else life is ok.

  4. tell her principal that is not kids stuff and they better do something about or your daughter and you are going to sue the school for emotional-distress cases and harassment cases.(the first one for you and your daughter and the second one for just your daughter).plus racism is not nice.people shouldn't judge for you for the color of your skin.they should judge for who you are inside

    I'm black and native American and when people act racist toward me i say (i would tell your daughter to say):it's pretty pathetic that you people have nothing  else to do except being a racist toward me and other people.and would you like it if i was racist against would hurt your feelings.

    i probably bet that principal was a racist should ask your daughter that if those kids have been racist to any other Hispanic-Caucasian they might only be doing that cause THEY might think it's a werid combination of parents.

  5. Go to the principal. You'd be surprised what kids pick up on at home sometimes parents are racist, really racist.

    EDIT: Go to the principals boss. The superintendent. I just did a project on bullying; I did a huge survey in my school district as a senior project and 11 out of 129 middle schoolers have brought a weapon to school due to bullying. Don't let it go on.

  6. There really isn't much you can do if most of the kids are recist, cause you can't really change a lot of kids especially if their parents who they learn from, teach them this kind of stuff.

    I know I am giving you a depressing or unfavorable answer, which I also hate to receive(I get angry), but sometimes you have to face the truth. Going to all the authorities will not change the kids behavior, the authorities can't punish all the kids nor can they change their ethics or minds.

    Is your daughter in private school? (Where I live most of the people in private school are the same race, so only 2 or 3 kids are different race). May you might want to send her to a different school, where there are different diversities. If you can of course.

  7. go to the principal, get it delt with, its not nice to be bullied,

  8. You could try to get to know the parents and causally bring it up, perhaps.

  9. This is absolutely SERIOUS. Racism is against the law. Talk to the principal again and again, show him the United States amendments, and demand that you put a stop to this.

    If the principal is no help, talk to the superintendant or the teacher...don't let your daughter's self esteem drop. (As a last resort, switch to a good private school.)


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