
How to deal with repulsion to food in a 3 yr old baby ?

by Guest63031  |  earlier

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How to deal with repulsion to food in a 3 yr old baby ?




  1. Feed him what he likes as long as it is not candy, soda and junk food.

    My daughter will not eat something I have made for her sometimes and she will not eat spaghetti, for the life of her! In times when she is picky, I just give her what she likes to eat such as yogurt or English Musffin Pizzas or apple sauce.

    As long as your toddler gets a little something in his belly  he should be okay. Kids get really funny at this age.  

  2. try variety foods.try feeding outdoors,that works manytimes.atleast two varieties of food on a plate fed alternatively would work.stop giving too much of milk or juice

  3. most chilren at this age r very fussie abot there food u should just let him/her eat the food she or he is happy 2 eat the more fuss u make over it the less likely he or she will eat at all  

  4. There are different reasons why a 3 year old might not want to eat certain foods. It's helpful for you to decide whether she (or he) says no to everything and is just being picky or difficult, or whether there are certain foods she particularly doesn't want to eat.  There's also a difference if your toddler is eating enough of some foods to stay healthy or whether they're losing weight.

    Sometimes toddlers don't want food and actually they're just throwing a tantrum.  Other times a child might not like something that actually they have a sensitivity to.  So you need to ask yourself if it's most foods or just a few.

    If there are only a few, I'd consider letting your toddler not eat those foods. However, if it's most foods, then the problem isn't really the food, but your wee one exerting a bit of independence.  We started the "one bite club" at our house.  Everybody had to take at least 1 bite of every food served. The bite could be as teeny tiny as they wanted, but it meant that the kids were tasting lots of different things and could learn to enjoy different foods.  We praised the kids and laughed as they took servings so small we could barely see them!

    Forcing kids to eat everything is not usually helpful.  Small amounts, child friendly serving sizes, a calm atmosphere, fun plates and cups, etc can all help.  If your child is eating in between meals, make sure that your snacks are healthy and nutritious and not served to close to meal time.

    And if nothing else works, just remember that it's probably a stage that your toddler's going through and it will pass.

    Good luck and God bless you.

  5. let him know that its okay if he does not like it, but also tell him that big boys try new things and it might be fun. try to make games out of it. hide food in each (clean) hand and tell him to choose then he must try it. it will get better (im not sureyour baby was a him or her :)

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