
How to deal with rude customers?

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alright so i work at Quiznos, an i sometimes get dumbazz customers, i dont know what their deal is, but some always act rude an give you a hard time. like yesterday some idiot wanted a tuna sandwhich, an i ask him "what size sir?" an he said " let me get a large" an i said "cool" so i was making it an all of a sudden an says something all loud "no mayo!!" an i said "oh, ok sir sorry about that, but you do know that the tuna haves mayo right?" an i didnt make it to make him look dumb but other peeps were kinda laughing an i guess it pissed him off an he said "alright let me get a small one better, a fresh bread this time with no mayo!!!!!" im all like "chill dude, sorry i messed up" an when i was making his SMALL size sub outta no where hes like "YOU KNOW WHAT MAKE IT A LARGE NOW!!" i was gettin pissed cuz he was acting stupid. an whe ni was maing it AGAIN, hes like "na lets make it a small now" an im all like "WHAT?!!!" so i just made it quick an sloppy an shoved it in the oven. an theres been ppl like this sometimes. an i want to know how to deal with dumb ppl like these??? someone help me b4 i brake someones neck!




  1. I would of called the manager and let him deal with this jerk.  I worked @ subway 16 years ago and I got idiots like that all the time and when the manager was there i just diverted them to the manager.   Best thing you can do is work your way through college and get the h**l out of that sh*t hole because that's what these places  are.  People treat us like c**p like we are worth nothing.    I used to get an a**hole as well @ subway that asked for tuna and I had to make his sandwich in reverse.  What a fu***ng mess that was.  I just wanted to bash his head on the sneeze guard all the time, that would of been sweet!!

    Hang on until you can find something that your passionate about.

    Best of luck

  2. I used to work in a sandwich shop and I got customers like this all the time. It didn't take me long to realize that most of the time they think they're being really funny (or they're just jerks).

    Ignoring them works best, since you can't be rude back.  

  3. when they do that i'd just rip one.  fan it in their direction.

  4. quit find a better paying and find the one you do not have to deal with people!!  some people are people person i know iam not!!! i could not do your JOB lol i think i would be fired in no time!!!

  5. Dear Kevin welcome to the world of "customer service".Some people just HAVE to be rude,Makes them "feel"big.You just smile even if it hurts and KNOW your a good person.And maybe you could ask what they want on thier sams b 4 you get started?Is that allowed?Good Luck to You,J

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