
How to deal with someone that never opens up to you even though you've been trying for years?

by Guest65172  |  earlier

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but they want to hang out with you




  1. Let them be; why would you persist? That is just nagging.

  2. That's just the way they are.  Accept it, but still be nice to them.

  3. Stop trying.  People are the way they are and we just have to accept that fact.  If someone wants to open up to you he/she will do so in his/her own time.  It's not something you can make happen, no matter how much you try.

  4. It seems like you put a lot of worth on people who "open up to you".  It is interesting you have been attempting to make him/her share information with you.  Look at it this way, If you spent years trying to pump him/her for information and she/he still wants to spend time with you, he/she must be an extremely tolerant and patient individual and you should be pleased to have such a mature and independent individual as a friend.

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