
How to deal with someone who's constantly fishing for compliments?

by Guest59821  |  earlier

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I work with this guy who is constantly doing this. He has recently lost some weight and comments on his achievement ALL THE TIME. I told him he looks great, good for him, etc., yet he keeps talking about it. I've just become so annoyed by it that I've been ignoring it when he says stuff like this. He also says really wierd things, like casually mentioning how his sister died or that his dad was emotionally abusive to him throughout his life and that's why he has low self esteem or about how he tried to commit suicide. He says things like, "I know I'm ugly, you can say it". Sometimes I just want to say, "Yea, you are ugly" even though there's nothing wrong with him to make him shut up. Of course I don't think I would ever say that, but still. I don't want to be mean because I have to work with him and I want to maintain some sort of civil relationship, but I was wondering if there is any tactful way to say "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, STOP IT". Does anybody else ave issues with people like this? How did you deal with it?




  1. JOKINGLY for compliments much.

  2. tell him to see a psychiatrist please!! he's just looking for approval from you constantly because he obviously was treated badly by his family. its tough to deal with these people because giving in and congratulating him only helps so much and telling him that he is ugly, worthless, etc could easily throw him over the edge and could make things much worse

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