
How to deal with spinster sisters that do nothing but stir up trouble? (getting them laid is not an option)?

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my mother is 74 and is in frail health and not very mobile I wish to remain in contact and be on good terms with her.

my older sisters who have never been married/on a date/moved out of home etc. still live with her and they never leave us to speak in peace. ( they only leave the house 2 go to work).

Every time I visit my mother, I get nothing but nasty verbal abuse of them. I broke up with my long term partner 4 months ago ( and they gloat about that) I failed on of my final uni exam - so I have to resit that ( they gloat about that) and the fact that I have not got a job ( I have not left uni yet and i am looking for a partime work) and they gloat about the fact I am in debt. They have been calling me a slag/s**t/w***e since I was in highschool, but they say that about all women that have boyf. I normally pay no attention to the menapausal old hags and have a good laugh about them. however it is important that i visit my mum, but I am fed up of being abused evertime




  1. LOL! you make em sound like Marge Simpson's sisters who live in Spinster Towers!

  2. d****s might be helpful

  3. Take mum out for lunch.  She can't sit on the same spot in the same house 24/7.  If throngs of frail, elderly people can make it to church Sunday mornings then they can go out for lunch too.

  4. why do they have to be there at the same time? can you not arrange with your mother that they are not there/ you are alone with her? if she cant see the abuse then she has just as big a problem as they do, if she knows it hurts you, she will respect your wishes and see you without them being there, just ask her.

    If they dont do anything, get the police and social services involved, you have a right to see your mother, and if they are being so abusive and wont leave you alone, then you can get an injunction and have them removed from your life by law.

  5. Buy them a simpsons box set and address it to Patty and Selma.  

    Make up s*x stories and tell them until they run away disgusted.. or whatever.  

    Obviously they are just sad because they aren't getting any and they obviously aren't happy with thier lives.  

    Really, you ought to pity them.

  6. Just pray. You will get your time with mum and you will become successful in all aspects of life.

    Prayer works wonders...believe me, I know!

  7. Turn the tables try seeing if they can eat the same dishes they try to serve you meaning they say you are a s**t say they are dried up prudes or prunes lol whichever is funnier.

  8. They sound like the two sisters out of the Simpsons.  If you can afford it take them chocolate, anything to fill up their ugly mouths for a bit.. I don't think you can do much but detatch or confront - eg ask them what they want from you.  Confronting is hard because they will retalliate and it sounds like you have a full plate, so maybee leave that till your a bit stronger.  Your doing great in life you will achieve your goals they are just trying to distract you and keep you down in a sick family system. Good on you for having the strength and endurance to get out.  Good luck.

  9. So tell them what you told us.  The are ugly inside and out, moochers who can't get a date, much less act like they are over the age of 16....or

    Ask them why they believe they should be give relationship advice or criticism...or why they believe they can discuss finances when they are ____ years old and still live with their mother.

    There are many possibilities.  I would want to do the first, but probably do something in nature of the second to keep things a bit more peaceful for mom and appear less like the immature trash they are making themselves out to be.

  10. You have a right to happiness in your life.

    Make the most of it & do not let them interfere.

    Be very firm with them.




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