
How to deal with this crisis????????

by  |  earlier

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i'm soon 2 b 17 and work at office my boss GAVE me the hardest time of my life..i felt like a slave!

i was taught like i was a r****d..told i was weird and difficult, everything i did was worng and and given 10000 speeches on every little mistake i did!

today at work as i was rining people up i was crying and trying to keep it all in so the customers wouldn't c me!

i have a little anxiety problem and i was shaking ;

i don't want to listen to him anymore , he picks on me like no other employee.....i mean i can't handle his stress,,,,,please give me any advice




  1. WOW, that boss sounds like he is REALLY pushing his limits! maybe he pushes you around the most cause you look like the easiest target to take his anger out on! if this horrible behavior continues from him, i think you should definitely quit, cuz that stress is just not worth it, trust me...

  2. quit

  3. Continue to be on time, fulfill all your duties, and search for another job. When you find one, you'll have the pleasure of giving the loser notice.

  4. I used to work at the movies and they treated me like that. Even starting a rumor about me saying somthing to get me pissed. The last straw was when they said i had to go in on my day off. So i called up ad freaked out and quit

  5. you know what, you shouldn't let him git you down like that. i would tell him to take this job and shuv it right up his hairy ***. because its only going to eat at you if you keep getting stressed out like you are. and i'm pretty sure you can find a job with less stress and a more comfortable environment. tell him you will go work for STAPLES!!! lol

  6. Go to the HR(human resources) Department. You have rights as an employee and it sound to me like he is badgering you and harassing you. I would take it up with that dept or go above his head. I would also write down when,where and how he talked to you.  

  7. i would quit my job before he fires you! don't feel bad you sound like you're doing a good job he's pushing you too hard.  

  8. Well, if it seems like he picks on you more than the other employees you should go to his supervisor/boss.  There's usually a chain of command that is followed in these situations.  Also, you request to be transferred to a different store (if that is a possibility).

  9. drugs or cutting ur self thats what i do.

  10. I would look for a new job. Tough it out until then. You could talk to him and tell him how you feel but that might just make things more awkward. I've been in situations like that. Sometimes people are just jerks and they wont change. You have job experience so you shouldn't have too much trouble finding a new job. Good luck

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